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# cython: language_level=3
"""Python bindings for jack_mixer.c and scale.c using Cython."""
__all__ = ("Scale", "MidiBehaviour", "Mixer")
import enum
from _jack_mixer cimport *
cdef void midi_change_callback_func(void *userdata) noexcept with gil:
"""Wrapper for a Python callback function for MIDI input."""
channel = <object> userdata
class MidiBehaviour(enum.IntEnum):
"""MIDI control behaviour.
Received MIDI control messages affect mixer directly.
Received MIDI control messages have to match up with current
mixer value first (within a small margin), before further
changes take effect.
class MeterMode(enum.IntEnum):
"""Choose between pre-fader or post-fader metering.
Meter signal before applying fader.
Meter signal after applying fader.
cdef class Scale:
"""Mixer level scale representation.
Wraps `jack_mixer_scale_t` struct.
cdef jack_mixer_scale_t _scale
def __cinit__(self):
self._scale = scale_create()
def __dealloc__(self):
if self._scale:
cpdef bool add_threshold(self, float db, float scale_value):
"""Add scale treshold."""
return scale_add_threshold(self._scale, db, scale_value)
cpdef void remove_thresholds(self):
"""Remove scale threshold."""
cpdef void calculate_coefficients(self):
"""Calculate scale coefficents."""
cpdef double db_to_scale(self, double db):
"""Return scale value responding to given dB value."""
return scale_db_to_scale(self._scale, db)
cpdef double scale_to_db(self, double scale_value):
"""Return dB value responding to given scale value."""
return scale_scale_to_db(self._scale, scale_value)
cdef class Mixer:
"""Jack Mixer representation.
Wraps `jack_mixer_t` struct.
cdef jack_mixer_t _mixer
cdef bool _stereo
def __cinit__(self, name, stereo=True):
self._stereo = stereo
self._mixer = mixer_create(name.encode('utf-8'), stereo)
if self._mixer == NULL:
raise RuntimeError(jack_mixer_error_str().decode('utf-8'))
def __dealloc__(self):
if self._mixer:
def destroy(self):
"""Close mixer Jack client and destroy mixer instance.
The instance must not be used anymore after calling this
if self._mixer:
def channels_count(self):
"""Number of mixer channels."""
return mixer_get_channels_count(self._mixer)
def client_name(self):
"""Jack client name of mixer."""
return mixer_get_client_name(self._mixer).decode('utf-8')
def last_midi_cc(self):
"""Last received MIDI control change message."""
return mixer_get_last_midi_cc(self._mixer)
def last_midi_cc(self, int channel):
mixer_set_last_midi_cc(self._mixer, channel)
def midi_behavior_mode(self):
"""MIDI control change behaviour mode.
See `MidiBehaviour` enum for more information.
return MidiBehaviour(mixer_get_midi_behavior_mode(self._mixer))
def midi_behavior_mode(self, mode):
mode.value if isinstance(mode, MidiBehaviour) else mode)
cpdef add_channel(self, channel_name, stereo=None):
"""Add a stereo or mono input channel with given name to the mixer.
Returns a `Channel` instance when successfull or `None` if channel
creation failed.
cdef jack_mixer_channel_t chan_ptr
if stereo is None:
stereo = self._stereo
chan_ptr = mixer_add_channel(self._mixer, channel_name.encode('utf-8'), stereo)
if chan_ptr == NULL:
return None
return Channel.new(chan_ptr)
cpdef add_output_channel(self, channel_name, stereo=None, system=False):
"""Add a stereo or mono output channel with given name to the mixer.
Returns a `OutputChannel` instance when successfull or `None` if
channel creation failed.
cdef jack_mixer_output_channel_t chan_ptr
if stereo is None:
stereo = self._stereo
chan_ptr = mixer_add_output_channel(self._mixer, channel_name.encode('utf-8'), stereo,
if chan_ptr == NULL:
return None
return OutputChannel.new(chan_ptr)
def kmetering(self):
"""Using kmeters."""
return mixer_get_kmetering(self._mixer)
def kmetering(self, bool flag):
mixer_set_kmetering(self._mixer, flag)
cdef class Channel:
"""Jack Mixer (input) channel representation.
Wraps `jack_mixer_channel_t` struct.
cdef jack_mixer_channel_t _channel
cdef object _midi_change_callback
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("Channel instances can only be created via Mixer.add_channel().")
cdef Channel new(jack_mixer_channel_t chan_ptr):
"""Create a new Channel instance.
A pointer to an initialized `jack_mixer_channel_t` struct must be
passed in.
This should not be called directly but only via `Mixer.add_channel()`.
cdef Channel channel = Channel.__new__(Channel)
channel._channel = chan_ptr
return channel
def abspeak_postfader(self):
"""Absolute peak of channel meter.
Set to `None` to reset the absolute peak to -inf.
Trying to set it to any other value will raise a `ValueError`.
return channel_abspeak_read(self._channel, MeterMode.POST_FADER)
def abspeak_postfader(self, reset):
if reset is not None:
raise ValueError("abspeak can only be reset (set to None)")
channel_abspeak_reset(self._channel, MeterMode.POST_FADER)
def abspeak_prefader(self):
"""Absolute peak of channel meter.
Set to `None` to reset the absolute peak to -inf.
Trying to set it to any other value will raise a `ValueError`.
return channel_abspeak_read(self._channel, MeterMode.PRE_FADER)
def abspeak_prefader(self, reset):
if reset is not None:
raise ValueError("abspeak can only be reset (set to None)")
channel_abspeak_reset(self._channel, MeterMode.PRE_FADER)
def balance(self):
"""Channel balance property."""
return channel_balance_read(self._channel)
def balance(self, double bal):
channel_balance_write(self._channel, bal)
def is_stereo(self):
"""Is channel stereo or mono?"""
return channel_is_stereo(self._channel)
def kmeter_prefader(self):
"""Read channel prefader kmeter.
If channel is stereo, return a four-item tupel with
``(rms_left, rms_right, peak_left, peak_right)`` value.
If channel is mono, return a tow-item tupel with ``(rms, peak)`` value.
cdef double peak_left, peak_right, left_rms, right_rms
if channel_is_stereo(self._channel):
self._channel, &peak_left, &peak_right, &left_rms, &right_rms, MeterMode.PRE_FADER)
return (left_rms, right_rms, peak_left, peak_right)
channel_mono_kmeter_read(self._channel, &peak_left, &left_rms, MeterMode.PRE_FADER)
return (left_rms, peak_left)
def kmeter_postfader(self):
"""Read channel postfader kmeter.
If channel is stereo, return a four-item tupel with
``(rms_left, rms_right, peak_left, peak_right)`` value.
If channel is mono, return a tow-item tupel with ``(rms, peak)`` value.
cdef double peak_left, peak_right, left_rms, right_rms
if channel_is_stereo(self._channel):
self._channel, &peak_left, &peak_right, &left_rms, &right_rms, MeterMode.POST_FADER)
return (left_rms, right_rms, peak_left, peak_right)
channel_mono_kmeter_read(self._channel, &peak_left, &left_rms, MeterMode.POST_FADER)
return (left_rms, peak_left)
def kmeter_reset(self):
"""Reset channel kmeters"""
if channel_is_stereo(self._channel):
def meter_prefader(self):
"""Read channel meter.
If channel is stereo, return a two-item tupel with (left, right) value.
If channel is mono, return a tupel with the value as the only item.
cdef double left, right
if channel_is_stereo(self._channel):
channel_stereo_meter_read(self._channel, &left, &right, MeterMode.PRE_FADER)
return (left, right)
channel_mono_meter_read(self._channel, &left, MeterMode.PRE_FADER)
return (left,)
def meter_postfader(self):
"""Read channel meter.
If channel is stereo, return a two-item tupel with (left, right) value.
If channel is mono, return a tupel with the value as the only item.
cdef double left, right
if channel_is_stereo(self._channel):
channel_stereo_meter_read(self._channel, &left, &right, MeterMode.POST_FADER)
return (left, right)
channel_mono_meter_read(self._channel, &left, MeterMode.POST_FADER)
return (left,)
def midi_change_callback(self):
"""Function to be called when a channel property is changed via MIDI.
The callback function takes no arguments.
Assign `None` to remove any existing callback.
return self._midi_change_callback
def midi_change_callback(self, callback):
self._midi_change_callback = callback
if callback is None:
channel_set_midi_change_callback(self._channel, NULL, NULL)
<void *>self)
def name(self):
"""Channel name property."""
return channel_get_name(self._channel).decode('utf-8')
def name(self, newname):
if channel_rename(self._channel, newname.encode('utf-8')) != 0:
raise RuntimeError(jack_mixer_error_str().decode('utf-8'))
def out_mute(self):
"""Channel solo status property."""
return channel_is_out_muted(self._channel)
def out_mute(self, bool value):
if value:
def solo(self):
"""Channel solo status property."""
return channel_is_soloed(self._channel)
def solo(self, bool value):
if value:
def midi_in_got_events(self):
"""Did channel receive any MIDI events assigned to one of its controls?
Reading this property also resets it to False.
return channel_get_midi_in_got_events(self._channel)
def midi_scale(self):
"""MIDI scale used by channel."""
raise AttributeError("midi_scale can only be set.")
def midi_scale(self, Scale scale):
channel_set_midi_scale(self._channel, scale._scale)
def volume(self):
"""Channel volume property."""
return channel_volume_read(self._channel)
def volume(self, double vol):
channel_volume_write(self._channel, vol)
def balance_midi_cc(self):
"""MIDI CC assigned to control channel balance."""
return channel_get_balance_midi_cc(self._channel)
def balance_midi_cc(self, int cc):
if channel_set_balance_midi_cc(self._channel, cc) != 0:
raise ValueError(jack_mixer_error_str().decode('utf-8'))
def mute_midi_cc(self):
"""MIDI CC assigned to control channel mute status."""
return channel_get_mute_midi_cc(self._channel)
def mute_midi_cc(self, int cc):
if channel_set_mute_midi_cc(self._channel, cc) != 0:
raise ValueError(jack_mixer_error_str().decode('utf-8'))
def solo_midi_cc(self):
"""MIDI CC assigned to control channel solo status."""
return channel_get_solo_midi_cc(self._channel)
def solo_midi_cc(self, int cc):
if channel_set_solo_midi_cc(self._channel, cc) != 0:
raise ValueError(jack_mixer_error_str().decode('utf-8'))
def volume_midi_cc(self):
"""MIDI CC assigned to control channel volume."""
return channel_get_volume_midi_cc(self._channel)
def volume_midi_cc(self, int cc):
if channel_set_volume_midi_cc(self._channel, cc) != 0:
raise ValueError(jack_mixer_error_str().decode('utf-8'))
def autoset_balance_midi_cc(self):
"""Auto assign MIDI CC for channel balance."""
return channel_autoset_balance_midi_cc(self._channel)
def autoset_mute_midi_cc(self):
"""Auto assign MIDI CC for channel mute status."""
return channel_autoset_mute_midi_cc(self._channel)
def autoset_solo_midi_cc(self):
"""Auto assign MIDI CC for channel solo status."""
return channel_autoset_solo_midi_cc(self._channel)
def autoset_volume_midi_cc(self):
"""Auto assign MIDI CC for channel volume."""
return channel_autoset_volume_midi_cc(self._channel)
def remove(self):
"""Remove channel."""
def set_midi_cc_balance_picked_up(self, bool status):
"""Set whether balance value is out-of-sync with MIDI control."""
channel_set_midi_cc_balance_picked_up(self._channel, status)
def set_midi_cc_volume_picked_up(self, bool status):
"""Set whether volume value is out-of-sync with MIDI control."""
channel_set_midi_cc_volume_picked_up(self._channel, status)
cdef class OutputChannel(Channel):
"""Jack Mixer output channel representation.
Wraps `jack_mixer_output_channel_t` struct.
Inherits from `Channel` class.
cdef jack_mixer_output_channel_t _output_channel
def __init__(self):
raise TypeError("OutputChannel instances can only be created via "
cdef OutputChannel new(jack_mixer_output_channel_t chan_ptr):
"""Create a new OutputChannel instance.
A pointer to an initialzed `jack_mixer_output_channel_t` struct must
be passed in.
This should not be called directly but only via
cdef OutputChannel channel = OutputChannel.__new__(OutputChannel)
channel._output_channel = chan_ptr
channel._channel = <jack_mixer_channel_t> chan_ptr
return channel
def prefader(self):
return output_channel_is_prefader(self._output_channel)
def prefader(self, bool pfl):
output_channel_set_prefader(self._output_channel, pfl)
def is_in_prefader(self, Channel channel):
"""Is a channel set as prefader?"""
return output_channel_is_in_prefader(self._output_channel, channel._channel)
def set_in_prefader(self, Channel channel, bool value):
"""Set a channel as prefader."""
output_channel_set_in_prefader(self._output_channel, channel._channel, value)
def is_muted(self, Channel channel):
"""Is a channel set as muted?"""
return output_channel_is_muted(self._output_channel, channel._channel)
def set_muted(self, Channel channel, bool value):
"""Set a channel as muted."""
output_channel_set_muted(self._output_channel, channel._channel, value)
def is_solo(self, Channel channel):
"""Is a channel set as solo?"""
return output_channel_is_solo(self._output_channel, channel._channel)
def set_solo(self, Channel channel, bool value):
"""Set a channel as solo."""
output_channel_set_solo(self._output_channel, channel._channel, value)
def remove(self):
"""Remove output channel."""