
93 lines
2.9 KiB

# Generated from:
template = "c-code"
commit-id = "c7a64084"
with-appveyor = true
with-pypy = true
with-sphinx-doctests = true
with-windows = false
with-future-python = true
with-docs = true
with-macos = false
use-flake8 = false
testenv-commands = [
"coverage run -p -m unittest discover -s src {posargs}",
testenv-deps = [
testenv-setenv = [
coverage-command = "coverage combine"
coverage-additional = [
"depends = py37,py37-pure,py38,py38-pure,py39,py39-pure,py310,py310-pure,py311,py311-pure,pypy,pypy3,docs",
"parallel_show_output = true",
fail-under = 99
additional-rules = [
"include *.cmd",
"include *.sh",
"include *.yml",
"include .coveragerc",
"recursive-include benchmarks *.py",
"recursive-include docs *.bat",
"recursive-include docs *.py",
"recursive-include docs *.rst",
"recursive-include docs Makefile",
additional-ignores = [
additional-install = [
"- name: Install zope.interface",
" # ``python -m unittest discover`` only works with editable",
" # installs, so we have to duplicate some work and can't",
" # install the built wheel. (zope.testrunner",
" # works fine with non-editable installs.)",
" run: |",
" pip install -U wheel",
" pip install -U --no-binary :all: coverage",
" # Unzip into src/ so that testrunner can find the .so files",
" # when we ask it to load tests from that directory. This",
" # might also save some build time?",
" unzip -n dist/zope.interface-*whl -d src",
" pip install -U -e .[test]",
"- name: Run tests and report coverage",
" # Once with C extensions, once without. Yes, this runs them",
" # twice on PyPy.",
" run: |",
" coverage run -p -m unittest discover -s src",
" PURE_PYTHON=1 coverage run -p -m unittest discover -s src",
" coverage combine",
" coverage report --ignore-errors --show-missing",
global-env-vars = [
"# Currently the builds use @mgedmin's Appveyor account. The PyPI token",
"# belongs to zope.wheelbuilder, which is managed by @mgedmin and @dataflake.",
" TWINE_USERNAME: __token__",
" secure: aoZC/+rvJKg8B5GMGIxd1X2q2bz7SMl8G3810BID9U8PXFqM0FbWaK9fZ9qcU0UyG2xJsK56Fb6+L6g27I0Lg8UFNhlU1zLAuMSgJQbHsqawFgSY067IdJB68pp34d/oEyxMrJvAKENHH77Fe4KGDssLlk5WnnYS3DA9b66p5imP+1DTtkq5/gMtoG4nZTBtVos7J2kkYTQ5t4BjzTQxPMC3bStNnvuuB0orX4AoCyTrOR1wdZFiNKLzbVnrJCNn24t/n3kG9WrxbnKlrbOm4A==",
test-steps = [
"- python -m unittest discover -s src",