
48 lines
1.5 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -e -x
# Running inside docker
# Set a cache directory for pip. This was
# mounted to be the same as it is outside docker so it
# can be persisted.
export XDG_CACHE_HOME="/cache"
# XXX: This works for macOS, where everything bind-mounted
# is seen as owned by root in the container. But when the host is Linux
# the actual UIDs come through to the container, triggering
# pip to disable the cache when it detects that the owner doesn't match.
# The below is an attempt to fix that, taken from bcrypt. It seems to work on
# Github Actions.
if [ -n "$GITHUB_ACTIONS" ]; then
echo Adjusting pip cache permissions
mkdir -p $XDG_CACHE_HOME/pip
chown -R $(whoami) $XDG_CACHE_HOME
ls -ld /cache
ls -ld /cache/pip
# Compile wheels
for PYBIN in /opt/python/*/bin; do
if [[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp27"* ]] || \
[[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp35"* ]] || \
[[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp36"* ]] || \
[[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp37"* ]] || \
[[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp38"* ]] || \
[[ "${PYBIN}" == *"cp39"* ]]; then
"${PYBIN}/pip" install -e /io/
"${PYBIN}/pip" wheel /io/ -w wheelhouse/
if [ `uname -m` == 'aarch64' ]; then
cd /io/
"${PYBIN}/pip" install tox
"${PYBIN}/tox" -e py
cd ..
rm -rf /io/build /io/*.egg-info
# Bundle external shared libraries into the wheels
for whl in wheelhouse/zope.interface*.whl; do
auditwheel repair "$whl" -w /io/wheelhouse/