Update for buildbot compatibility.

This commit is contained in:
Adi Roiban 2016-08-21 13:06:05 +01:00
parent 08797f563c
commit e4d1129287
1 changed files with 29 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,14 @@
; * posix - prepare the tests to be run in a Linux/Unix/OSX environment.
; * windows - prepare the tests to be executed under Windows.
; Some tags are defined only while transitioning to an updated Buildbot and
; should be removed after the transition.
; See: https://github.com/twisted-infra/braid/issues/222
; * tests - similar to alldeps
; * coverage - similar to withcov
; * nomodules - similar to nodeps
; There is a non-default `codecov-publish` environment used to publish the
; coverage results to codecov.io. It should be called after running the
; standard coverage environment.
@ -21,27 +29,28 @@
deps =
; Some relatively standard dependencies that we want to have
; We cannot use extras here, because it is not supported on Py3
alldeps: cryptography >= 0.9
alldeps: pyopenssl >= 16.0.0
alldeps: service_identity
alldeps: idna >= 0.6
alldeps: pyserial
alldeps: python-subunit
alldeps: pycrypto
alldeps: appdirs
alldeps: h2
alldeps: priority
alldeps: sphinx
{alldeps,tests}: cryptography >= 0.9
{alldeps,tests}: pyopenssl >= 16.0.0
{alldeps,tests}: service_identity
{alldeps,tests}: idna >= 0.6
{alldeps,tests}: pyserial
{alldeps,tests}: python-subunit
{alldeps,tests}: pycrypto
{alldeps,tests}: appdirs
{alldeps,tests}: h2
{alldeps,tests}: priority
{alldeps,tests}: sphinx
py27-alldeps-posix: pysqlite
py27-alldeps: soappy
py27-{alldeps,tests}-posix: pysqlite
py27-{alldeps,tests}: soappy
alldeps-windows: pypiwin32
@ -80,16 +89,16 @@ commands =
python --version
; Install PyDoctor here so it DOESNT overwrite Twisted
py27-{tests,coverage}: pip install --no-deps epydoc pydoctor
py27-{alldeps}: pip install --no-deps epydoc pydoctor
apidocs: pip install --no-deps epydoc pydoctor
# Run tests without wrapping them using coverage.
nocov: python -m twisted.trial --reactor={env:TWISTED_REACTOR:default} --reporter={env:TRIAL_REPORTER:verbose} {posargs:twisted}
{nocov, nomodules,tests}: python -m twisted.trial --reactor={env:TWISTED_REACTOR:default} --reporter={env:TRIAL_REPORTER:verbose} {posargs:twisted}
# Run the tests wrapped using coverage.
withcov: python {toxinidir}/admin/_copy.py {toxinidir}/admin/zz_coverage.pth {envsitepackagesdir}/zz_coverage.pth
withcov: coverage erase
withcov: coverage run -p --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc -m twisted.trial --reactor={env:TWISTED_REACTOR:default} --reporter={env:TRIAL_REPORTER:verbose} {posargs:twisted}
{withcov,coverage}: python {toxinidir}/admin/_copy.py {toxinidir}/admin/zz_coverage.pth {envsitepackagesdir}/zz_coverage.pth
{withcov,coverage}: coverage erase
{withcov,coverage}: coverage run -p --rcfile={toxinidir}/.coveragerc -m twisted.trial --reactor={env:TWISTED_REACTOR:default} --reporter={env:TRIAL_REPORTER:verbose} {posargs:twisted}
# Publish the coverage reports to codecov.io
codecov-publish: coverage combine