- initial working version of sybase, with modifications to the transactional

model to accomodate Sybase's default mode of "no ddl in transactions".
- identity insert not working yet.  it seems the default here might be the
opposite of that of MSSQL.
- reflection will be a full rewrite
- default DBAPI is python-sybase, well documented and nicely DBAPI compliant
except for the bind parameter situation, where we have a straightforward workaround
- full Sybase docs at: http://infocenter.sybase.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.sybase.help.ase_15.0/title.htm
This commit is contained in:
Mike Bayer 2010-03-14 22:04:20 +00:00
parent d9af1828fb
commit 39fd3442e3
8 changed files with 261 additions and 300 deletions

View File

@ -96,43 +96,35 @@ Use an empty database and a database user with general DBA privileges.
The test suite will be creating and dropping many tables and other DDL, and
preexisting tables will interfere with the tests.
Several tests require alternate schemas to be present. This requirement
applies to all backends except SQLite and Firebird. These schemas are:
Several tests require alternate usernames or schemas to be present, which
are used to test dotted-name access scenarios. On some databases such
as Oracle or Sybase, these are usernames, and others such as Postgresql
and MySQL they are schemas. The requirement applies to all backends
except SQLite and Firebird. The names are:
test_schema_2 (only used on Postgresql)
Please refer to your vendor documentation for the proper syntax to create
these schemas - the database user must have permission to create and drop
these namespaces - the database user must have permission to create and drop
tables within these schemas. Its perfectly fine to run the test suite
without these schemas present, it only means that a handful of tests which
without these namespaces present, it only means that a handful of tests which
expect them to be present will fail.
Additional steps specific to individual databases are as follows:
ORACLE: the test_schema schema is created as
users, as the "owner" in Oracle is considered like a "schema" in
ORACLE: a user named "test_schema" is created.
The primary database user needs to be able to create and drop tables,
synonyms, and constraints in these schemas. Unfortunately, many hours of
googling and experimentation cannot find a GRANT option that allows the
primary user the "REFERENCES" role in a remote schema for tables not yet
defined (REFERENCES is per-table) - the only thing that works is to put
the user in the "DBA" role:
The primary database user needs to be able to create and drop tables,
synonyms, and constraints within the "test_schema" user. For this
to work fully, including that the user has the "REFERENCES" role
in a remote shcema for tables not yet defined (REFERENCES is per-table),
it is required that the test the user be present in the "DBA" role:
grant dba to scott;
Any ideas on what specific privileges within "DBA" allow an open-ended
REFERENCES grant would be appreciated, or if in fact "DBA" has some kind
of "magic" flag not accessible otherwise. So, running SQLA tests on oracle
requires access to a completely open Oracle database - Oracle XE is
obviously a terrific choice since its just a local engine. As always,
leaving the schemas out means those few dozen tests will fail and is
otherwise harmless.
SYBASE: Similar to Oracle, two users are created, with the primary owner
having the "sa_role":
SYBASE: Similar to Oracle, "test_schema" is created as a user, and the
primary test user needs to have the "sa_role":
create database sqlalchemy
sp_addlogin scott, "tiger7"

View File

@ -1,4 +1,20 @@
from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase import base, pyodbc
from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase import base, pysybase
# default dialect
base.dialect = pyodbc.dialect
base.dialect = pysybase.dialect
__all__ = (

View File

@ -5,39 +5,25 @@
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
"""Support for the Sybase iAnywhere database.
"""Support for Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE).
This is not (yet) a full backend for Sybase ASE.
Note that this dialect is no longer specific to Sybase iAnywhere.
ASE is the primary support platform.
This dialect is *not* ported to SQLAlchemy 0.6.
This dialect is *not* tested on SQLAlchemy 0.6.
Known issues / TODO:
* Uses the mx.ODBC driver from egenix (version 2.1.0)
* The current version of sqlalchemy.databases.sybase only supports
mx.ODBC.Windows (other platforms such as mx.ODBC.unixODBC still need
some development)
* Support for pyodbc has been built in but is not yet complete (needs
further development)
* Results of running tests/alltests.py:
Ran 934 tests in 287.032s
FAILED (failures=3, errors=1)
* Tested on 'Adaptive Server Anywhere 9' (version
import datetime, operator
from sqlalchemy import util, sql, schema, exc
import operator
from sqlalchemy.sql import compiler, expression
from sqlalchemy.engine import default, base
from sqlalchemy.engine import default, base, reflection
from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes
from sqlalchemy.sql import operators as sql_operators
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column
from sqlalchemy import String, Integer, SMALLINT, CHAR, ForeignKey
from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.schema import *
from sqlalchemy import schema as sa_schema
from sqlalchemy import util, sql, exc
from sqlalchemy.types import CHAR, VARCHAR, TIME, NCHAR, NVARCHAR,\
"add", "all", "alter", "and",
@ -99,23 +85,33 @@ RESERVED_WORDS = set([
class SybaseImage(sqltypes.LargeBinary):
__visit_name__ = 'IMAGE'
class UNICHAR(sqltypes.Unicode):
__visit_name__ = 'UNICHAR'
class SybaseBit(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
class UNIVARCHAR(sqltypes.Unicode):
__visit_name__ = 'UNIVARCHAR'
class UNITEXT(sqltypes.UnicodeText):
__visit_name__ = 'UNITEXT'
class TINYINT(sqltypes.Integer):
__visit_name__ = 'TINYINT'
class BIT(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
__visit_name__ = 'BIT'
class SybaseMoney(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
class MONEY(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
__visit_name__ = "MONEY"
class SybaseSmallMoney(SybaseMoney):
class SMALLMONEY(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
__visit_name__ = "SMALLMONEY"
class SybaseUniqueIdentifier(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
class UNIQUEIDENTIFIER(sqltypes.TypeEngine):
__visit_name__ = "UNIQUEIDENTIFIER"
class SybaseBoolean(sqltypes.Boolean):
class IMAGE(sqltypes.LargeBinary):
__visit_name__ = 'IMAGE'
class SybaseTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler):
def visit_large_binary(self, type_):
@ -123,6 +119,15 @@ class SybaseTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler):
def visit_boolean(self, type_):
return self.visit_BIT(type_)
def visit_UNICHAR(self, type_):
return "UNICHAR(%d)" % type_.length
def visit_UNITEXT(self, type_):
return "UNITEXT"
def visit_TINYINT(self, type_):
return "TINYINT"
def visit_IMAGE(self, type_):
return "IMAGE"
@ -140,56 +145,41 @@ class SybaseTypeCompiler(compiler.GenericTypeCompiler):
colspecs = {
sqltypes.LargeBinary : SybaseImage,
sqltypes.Boolean : SybaseBoolean,
ischema_names = {
'integer' : sqltypes.INTEGER,
'unsigned int' : sqltypes.Integer,
'unsigned smallint' : sqltypes.SmallInteger,
'unsigned bigint' : sqltypes.BigInteger,
'bigint': sqltypes.BIGINT,
'smallint' : sqltypes.SMALLINT,
'tinyint' : sqltypes.SmallInteger,
'varchar' : sqltypes.VARCHAR,
'long varchar' : sqltypes.Text,
'char' : sqltypes.CHAR,
'decimal' : sqltypes.DECIMAL,
'numeric' : sqltypes.NUMERIC,
'float' : sqltypes.FLOAT,
'double' : sqltypes.Numeric,
'binary' : sqltypes.LargeBinary,
'long binary' : sqltypes.LargeBinary,
'varbinary' : sqltypes.LargeBinary,
'bit': SybaseBit,
'image' : SybaseImage,
'timestamp': sqltypes.TIMESTAMP,
'money': SybaseMoney,
'smallmoney': SybaseSmallMoney,
'uniqueidentifier': SybaseUniqueIdentifier,
'integer' : INTEGER,
'unsigned int' : INTEGER, # TODO: unsigned flags
'unsigned smallint' : SMALLINT, # TODO: unsigned flags
'unsigned bigint' : BIGINT, # TODO: unsigned flags
'bigint': BIGINT,
'smallint' : SMALLINT,
'tinyint' : TINYINT,
'varchar' : VARCHAR,
'long varchar' : TEXT, # TODO
'char' : CHAR,
'decimal' : DECIMAL,
'numeric' : NUMERIC,
'float' : FLOAT,
'double' : NUMERIC, # TODO
'binary' : BINARY,
'varbinary' : VARBINARY,
'bit': BIT,
'image' : IMAGE,
'timestamp': TIMESTAMP,
'money': MONEY,
'smallmoney': MONEY,
'uniqueidentifier': UNIQUEIDENTIFIER,
class SybaseExecutionContext(default.DefaultExecutionContext):
def post_exec(self):
if self.compiled.isinsert:
table = self.compiled.statement.table
# get the inserted values of the primary key
# get any sequence IDs first (using @@identity)
if self.isinsert and not self.executemany:
self.cursor.execute("SELECT @@identity AS lastrowid")
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
lastrowid = int(row[0])
if lastrowid > 0:
# an IDENTITY was inserted, fetch it
# FIXME: always insert in front ? This only works if the IDENTITY is the first column, no ?!
if not hasattr(self, '_last_inserted_ids') or self._last_inserted_ids is None:
self._last_inserted_ids = [lastrowid]
self._last_inserted_ids = [lastrowid] + self._last_inserted_ids[1:]
row = self.cursor.fetchall()[0]
self._lastrowid = int(row[0])
class SybaseSQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler):
@ -204,12 +194,6 @@ class SybaseSQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler):
def visit_mod(self, binary, **kw):
return "MOD(%s, %s)" % (self.process(binary.left), self.process(binary.right))
def bindparam_string(self, name):
res = super(SybaseSQLCompiler, self).bindparam_string(name)
if name.lower().startswith('literal'):
res = 'STRING(%s)' % res
return res
def get_select_precolumns(self, select):
s = select._distinct and "DISTINCT " or ""
if select._limit:
@ -230,32 +214,22 @@ class SybaseSQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler):
# Limit in sybase is after the select keyword
return ""
def visit_binary(self, binary):
def dont_visit_binary(self, binary):
"""Move bind parameters to the right-hand side of an operator, where possible."""
if isinstance(binary.left, expression._BindParamClause) and binary.operator == operator.eq:
return self.process(expression._BinaryExpression(binary.right, binary.left, binary.operator))
return super(SybaseSQLCompiler, self).visit_binary(binary)
def label_select_column(self, select, column, asfrom):
def dont_label_select_column(self, select, column, asfrom):
if isinstance(column, expression.Function):
return column.label(None)
return super(SybaseSQLCompiler, self).label_select_column(select, column, asfrom)
function_rewrites = {'current_date': 'getdate',
def visit_function(self, func):
func.name = self.function_rewrites.get(func.name, func.name)
res = super(SybaseSQLCompiler, self).visit_function(func)
if func.name.lower() == 'getdate':
# apply CAST operator
# FIXME: what about _pyodbc ?
cast = expression._Cast(func, SybaseDate_mxodbc)
# infinite recursion
# res = self.visit_cast(cast)
res = "CAST(%s AS %s)" % (res, self.process(cast.typeclause))
return res
# def visit_getdate_func(self, fn, **kw):
# TODO: need to cast? something ?
# pass
def visit_extract(self, extract):
field = self.extract_map.get(extract.field, extract.field)
@ -277,27 +251,38 @@ class SybaseSQLCompiler(compiler.SQLCompiler):
class SybaseDDLCompiler(compiler.DDLCompiler):
def get_column_specification(self, column, **kwargs):
colspec = self.preparer.format_column(column) + " " + \
colspec = self.preparer.format_column(column)
if column.table is None:
raise exc.InvalidRequestError("The Sybase dialect requires Table-bound "\
"columns in order to generate DDL")
seq_col = column.table._autoincrement_column
if (not getattr(column.table, 'has_sequence', False)) and column.primary_key and \
column.autoincrement and isinstance(column.type, sqltypes.Integer):
if column.default is None or (isinstance(column.default, schema.Sequence) and column.default.optional):
column.sequence = schema.Sequence(column.name + '_seq')
if hasattr(column, 'sequence'):
column.table.has_sequence = column
#colspec += " numeric(30,0) IDENTITY"
colspec += " Integer IDENTITY"
# install a IDENTITY Sequence if we have an implicit IDENTITY column
if seq_col is column:
sequence = isinstance(column.default, sa_schema.Sequence) and column.default
if sequence:
start, increment = sequence.start or 1, sequence.increment or 1
start, increment = 1, 1
if (start, increment) == (1, 1):
colspec += " IDENTITY"
# TODO: need correct syntax for this
colspec += " IDENTITY(%s,%s)" % (start, increment)
colspec += " " + self.dialect.type_compiler.process(column.type)
if column.nullable is not None:
if not column.nullable or column.primary_key:
colspec += " NOT NULL"
colspec += " NULL"
if not column.nullable:
colspec += " NOT NULL"
default = self.get_column_default_string(column)
if default is not None:
colspec += " DEFAULT " + default
default = self.get_column_default_string(column)
if default is not None:
colspec += " DEFAULT " + default
return colspec
@ -324,120 +309,47 @@ class SybaseDialect(default.DefaultDialect):
ddl_compiler = SybaseDDLCompiler
preparer = SybaseIdentifierPreparer
ported_sqla_06 = False
schema_name = "dba"
def __init__(self, **params):
super(SybaseDialect, self).__init__(**params)
self.text_as_varchar = False
def last_inserted_ids(self):
return self.context.last_inserted_ids
def _get_default_schema_name(self, connection):
return self.schema_name
return connection.scalar(
text("SELECT user_name() as user_name", typemap={'user_name':Unicode})
def get_table_names(self, connection, schema=None, **kw):
if schema is None:
schema = self.default_schema_name
return self.table_names(connection, schema)
def table_names(self, connection, schema):
"""Ignore the schema and the charset for now."""
s = sql.select([tables.c.table_name],
sql.not_(tables.c.table_name.like("SYS%")) and
tables.c.creator >= 100
rp = connection.execute(s)
return [row[0] for row in rp.fetchall()]
result = connection.execute(
text("select sysobjects.name from sysobjects, sysusers "
"where sysobjects.uid=sysusers.uid and "
"sysusers.name=:schemaname and "
bindparam('schemaname', schema)
return [r[0] for r in result]
def has_table(self, connection, tablename, schema=None):
# FIXME: ignore schemas for sybase
s = sql.select([tables.c.table_name], tables.c.table_name == tablename)
return connection.execute(s).first() is not None
if schema is None:
schema = self.default_schema_name
result = connection.execute(
text("select sysobjects.name from sysobjects, sysusers "
"where sysobjects.uid=sysusers.uid and "
"sysobjects.name=:tablename and "
"sysusers.name=:schemaname and "
bindparam('tablename', tablename),
bindparam('schemaname', schema)
return result.scalar() is not None
def reflecttable(self, connection, table, include_columns):
# Get base columns
if table.schema is not None:
current_schema = table.schema
current_schema = self.default_schema_name
s = sql.select([columns, domains], tables.c.table_name==table.name, from_obj=[columns.join(tables).join(domains)], order_by=[columns.c.column_id])
c = connection.execute(s)
found_table = False
# makes sure we append the columns in the correct order
while True:
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
found_table = True
(name, type, nullable, charlen, numericprec, numericscale, default, primary_key, max_identity, table_id, column_id) = (
row[columns.c.nulls] == 'Y',
row[columns.c.pkey] == 'Y',
if include_columns and name not in include_columns:
# FIXME: else problems with SybaseBinary(size)
if numericscale == 0:
numericscale = None
args = []
for a in (charlen, numericprec, numericscale):
if a is not None:
coltype = self.ischema_names.get(type, None)
if coltype == SybaseString and charlen == -1:
coltype = SybaseText()
if coltype is None:
util.warn("Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" %
(type, name))
coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE
coltype = coltype(*args)
colargs = []
if default is not None:
# any sequences ?
col = schema.Column(name, coltype, nullable=nullable, primary_key=primary_key, *colargs)
if int(max_identity) > 0:
col.sequence = schema.Sequence(name + '_identity')
col.sequence.start = int(max_identity)
col.sequence.increment = 1
# append the column
# any foreign key constraint for this table ?
# note: no multi-column foreign keys are considered
s = "select st1.table_name, sc1.column_name, st2.table_name, sc2.column_name from systable as st1 join sysfkcol on st1.table_id=sysfkcol.foreign_table_id join sysforeignkey join systable as st2 on sysforeignkey.primary_table_id = st2.table_id join syscolumn as sc1 on sysfkcol.foreign_column_id=sc1.column_id and sc1.table_id=st1.table_id join syscolumn as sc2 on sysfkcol.primary_column_id=sc2.column_id and sc2.table_id=st2.table_id where st1.table_name='%(table_name)s';" % { 'table_name' : table.name }
c = connection.execute(s)
foreignKeys = {}
while True:
row = c.fetchone()
if row is None:
(foreign_table, foreign_column, primary_table, primary_column) = (
row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3],
if not primary_table in foreignKeys.keys():
foreignKeys[primary_table] = [['%s' % (foreign_column)], ['%s.%s'%(primary_table, primary_column)]]
foreignKeys[primary_table][1].append('%s.%s'%(primary_table, primary_column))
for primary_table in foreignKeys.iterkeys():
#table.append_constraint(schema.ForeignKeyConstraint(['%s.%s'%(foreign_table, foreign_column)], ['%s.%s'%(primary_table,primary_column)]))
table.append_constraint(schema.ForeignKeyConstraint(foreignKeys[primary_table][0], foreignKeys[primary_table][1], link_to_name=True))
if not found_table:
raise exc.NoSuchTableError(table.name)
raise NotImplementedError()

View File

@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
Support for Sybase via mxodbc.
This dialect is a stub only and is likely non functional at this time.
from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseDialect, SybaseExecutionContext
from sqlalchemy.connectors.mxodbc import MxODBCConnector
@ -7,4 +14,4 @@ class SybaseExecutionContext_mxodbc(SybaseExecutionContext):
class Sybase_mxodbc(MxODBCConnector, SybaseDialect):
execution_ctx_cls = SybaseExecutionContext_mxodbc
dialect = Sybase_mxodbc
dialect = Sybase_mxodbc

View File

@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
Support for Sybase via pyodbc.
This dialect is a stub only and is likely non functional at this time.
from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseDialect, SybaseExecutionContext
from sqlalchemy.connectors.pyodbc import PyODBCConnector
@ -8,4 +16,4 @@ class SybaseExecutionContext_pyodbc(SybaseExecutionContext):
class Sybase_pyodbc(PyODBCConnector, SybaseDialect):
execution_ctx_cls = SybaseExecutionContext_pyodbc
dialect = Sybase_pyodbc
dialect = Sybase_pyodbc

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
# pysybase.py
# Copyright (C) 2010 Michael Bayer mike_mp@zzzcomputing.com
# This module is part of SQLAlchemy and is released under
# the MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Support for Sybase via the python-sybase driver.
Connect strings are of the form::
sybase+pysybase://<username>:<password>@<dsn>/[database name]
from sqlalchemy.dialects.sybase.base import SybaseDialect, \
SybaseExecutionContext, SybaseSQLCompiler
class SybaseExecutionContext_pysybase(SybaseExecutionContext):
def pre_exec(self):
for param in self.parameters:
for key in list(param):
param["@" + key] = param[key]
del param[key]
if self.isddl:
# TODO: to enhance this, we can detect "ddl in tran" on the
# database settings. this error message should be improved to
# include a note about that.
if not self.should_autocommit:
raise exc.InvalidRequestError("The Sybase dialect only supports "
"DDL in 'autocommit' mode at this time.")
# call commit() on the Sybase connection directly,
# to avoid any side effects of calling a Connection
# transactional method inside of pre_exec()
self.root_connection.engine.logger.info("COMMIT (Assuming no Sybase 'ddl in tran')")
class SybaseSQLCompiler_pysybase(SybaseSQLCompiler):
def bindparam_string(self, name):
return "@" + name
class SybaseDialect_pysybase(SybaseDialect):
driver = 'pysybase'
execution_ctx_cls = SybaseExecutionContext_pysybase
statement_compiler = SybaseSQLCompiler_pysybase
def dbapi(cls):
import Sybase
return Sybase
def create_connect_args(self, url):
opts = url.translate_connect_args(username='user', password='passwd')
return ([opts.pop('host')], opts)
def _get_server_version_info(self, connection):
return connection.scalar("select @@version_number")
def is_disconnect(self, e):
if isinstance(e, (self.dbapi.OperationalError, self.dbapi.ProgrammingError)):
msg = str(e)
return ('Unable to complete network request to host' in msg or
'Invalid connection state' in msg or
'Invalid cursor state' in msg)
return False
dialect = SybaseDialect_pysybase

View File

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
from sqlalchemy import *
ischema = MetaData()
tables = Table("SYSTABLE", ischema,
Column("table_id", Integer, primary_key=True),
Column("file_id", SMALLINT),
Column("table_name", CHAR(128)),
Column("table_type", CHAR(10)),
Column("creator", Integer),
domains = Table("SYSDOMAIN", ischema,
Column("domain_id", Integer, primary_key=True),
Column("domain_name", CHAR(128)),
Column("type_id", SMALLINT),
Column("precision", SMALLINT, quote=True),
columns = Table("SYSCOLUMN", ischema,
Column("column_id", Integer, primary_key=True),
Column("table_id", Integer, ForeignKey(tables.c.table_id)),
Column("pkey", CHAR(1)),
Column("column_name", CHAR(128)),
Column("nulls", CHAR(1)),
Column("width", SMALLINT),
Column("domain_id", SMALLINT, ForeignKey(domains.c.domain_id)),
# FIXME: should be mx.BIGINT
Column("max_identity", Integer),
# FIXME: should be mx.ODBC.Windows.LONGVARCHAR
Column("default", String),
Column("scale", Integer),
foreignkeys = Table("SYSFOREIGNKEY", ischema,
Column("foreign_table_id", Integer, ForeignKey(tables.c.table_id), primary_key=True),
Column("foreign_key_id", SMALLINT, primary_key=True),
Column("primary_table_id", Integer, ForeignKey(tables.c.table_id)),
fkcols = Table("SYSFKCOL", ischema,
Column("foreign_table_id", Integer, ForeignKey(columns.c.table_id), primary_key=True),
Column("foreign_key_id", SMALLINT, ForeignKey(foreignkeys.c.foreign_key_id), primary_key=True),
Column("foreign_column_id", Integer, ForeignKey(columns.c.column_id), primary_key=True),
Column("primary_column_id", Integer),

View File

@ -135,7 +135,9 @@ class DefaultDialect(base.Dialect):
self.default_schema_name = None
self.returns_unicode_strings = self._check_unicode_returns(connection)
def _check_unicode_returns(self, connection):
# Py2K
if self.supports_unicode_statements:
@ -257,6 +259,7 @@ class DefaultExecutionContext(base.ExecutionContext):
isinsert = False
isupdate = False
isdelete = False
isddl = False
executemany = False
result_map = None
compiled = None
@ -276,6 +279,7 @@ class DefaultExecutionContext(base.ExecutionContext):
if compiled_ddl is not None:
self.compiled = compiled = compiled_ddl
self.isddl = True
if compiled.statement._execution_options:
self.execution_options = compiled.statement._execution_options