
107 lines
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.. _hyperlink_api:
Hyperlink API
.. automodule:: hyperlink._url
.. contents::
Before you can work with URLs, you must create URLs.
Parsing Text
If you already have a textual URL, the easiest way to get URL objects
is with the :func:`parse()` function:
.. autofunction:: hyperlink.parse
By default, :func:`~hyperlink.parse()` returns an instance of
:class:`DecodedURL`, a URL type that handles all encoding for you, by
wrapping the lower-level :class:`URL`.
.. autoclass:: hyperlink.DecodedURL
.. automethod:: hyperlink.DecodedURL.from_text
The Encoded URL
The lower-level :class:`URL` looks very similar to the
:class:`DecodedURL`, but does not handle all encoding cases for
you. Use with caution.
.. note::
:class:`URL` is also available as an alias,
``hyperlink.EncodedURL`` for more explicit usage.
.. autoclass:: hyperlink.URL
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.from_text
Once a URL is created, some of the most common tasks are to transform
it into other URLs and text.
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.to_text
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.to_uri
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.to_iri
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.replace
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.normalize
Go places with URLs. Simulate browser behavior and perform semantic
path operations.
.. automethod::
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.sibling
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.child
Query Parameters
CRUD operations on the query string multimap.
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.get
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.add
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.set
.. automethod:: hyperlink.URL.remove
URLs have many parts, and URL objects have many attributes to represent them.
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.absolute
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.scheme
.. autoattribute::
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.port
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.path
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.query
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.fragment
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.userinfo
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.user
.. autoattribute:: hyperlink.URL.rooted
Low-level functions
A couple of notable helpers used by the :class:`~hyperlink.URL` type.
.. autoclass:: hyperlink.URLParseError
.. autofunction:: hyperlink.register_scheme
.. autofunction:: hyperlink.parse
.. TODO: run doctests in docs?