Get rid of the Scons-based build system.

There is no reason not to use CMake at this point, and keeping this
around is a maintenance burden. In fact, it was already broken at
the time of this commit. A quick Google search doesn't provide any
evidence that anyone actually cares about this.
This commit is contained in:
Etienne Dechamps 2018-11-25 13:52:29 +00:00
parent 76e31c2a24
commit aa016efaf7
5 changed files with 0 additions and 603 deletions

View File

@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
import sys, os.path
def rsplit(toSplit, sub, max=-1):
""" str.rsplit seems to have been introduced in 2.4 :( """
l = []
i = 0
while i != max:
try: idx = toSplit.rindex(sub)
except ValueError: break
toSplit, splitOff = toSplit[:idx], toSplit[idx + len(sub):]
l.insert(0, splitOff)
i += 1
l.insert(0, toSplit)
return l
sconsDir = os.path.join("build", "scons")
SConscript(os.path.join(sconsDir, "SConscript_common"))
Import("Platform", "Posix", "ApiVer")
# SConscript_opts exports PortAudio options
optsDict = SConscript(os.path.join(sconsDir, "SConscript_opts"))
optionsCache = os.path.join(sconsDir, "options.cache") # Save options between runs in this cache
options = Options(optionsCache, args=ARGUMENTS)
for k in ("Installation Dirs", "Build Targets", "Host APIs", "Build Parameters", "Bindings"):
# Propagate options into environment
env = Environment(options=options)
# Save options for next run
options.Save(optionsCache, env)
# Generate help text for options
buildDir = os.path.join("#", sconsDir, env["PLATFORM"])
# Determine parameters to build tools
if Platform in Posix:
threadCFlags = ''
if Platform != 'darwin':
threadCFlags = "-pthread "
baseLinkFlags = threadCFlags
baseCxxFlags = baseCFlags = "-Wall -pedantic -pipe " + threadCFlags
debugCxxFlags = debugCFlags = "-g"
optCxxFlags = optCFlags = "-O2"
env.Append(CCFLAGS = baseCFlags)
env.Append(CXXFLAGS = baseCxxFlags)
env.Append(LINKFLAGS = baseLinkFlags)
if env["enableDebug"]:
if env["enableOptimize"]:
if not env["enableAsserts"]:
if env["customCFlags"]:
if env["customCxxFlags"]:
if env["customLinkFlags"]:
env.Append(CPPPATH=[os.path.join("#", "include"), "common"])
# Store all signatures in one file, otherwise .sconsign files will get installed along with our own files
env.SConsignFile(os.path.join(sconsDir, ".sconsign"))
sources, sharedLib, staticLib, tests, portEnv, hostApis = env.SConscript(os.path.join("src", "SConscript"),
build_dir=buildDir, duplicate=False, exports=["env"])
if Platform in Posix:
prefix = env["prefix"]
includeDir = os.path.join(prefix, "include")
libDir = os.path.join(prefix, "lib")
env.Alias("install", includeDir)
env.Alias("install", libDir)
# pkg-config
def installPkgconfig(env, target, source):
tgt = str(target[0])
src = str(source[0])
f = open(src)
try: txt =
finally: f.close()
txt = txt.replace("@prefix@", prefix)
txt = txt.replace("@exec_prefix@", prefix)
txt = txt.replace("@libdir@", libDir)
txt = txt.replace("@includedir@", includeDir)
txt = txt.replace("@LIBS@", " ".join(["-l%s" % l for l in portEnv["LIBS"]]))
txt = txt.replace("@THREAD_CFLAGS@", threadCFlags)
f = open(tgt, "w")
try: f.write(txt)
finally: f.close()
pkgconfigTgt = "portaudio-%d.0.pc" % int(ApiVer.split(".", 1)[0])
env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "pkgconfig", pkgconfigTgt),
os.path.join("#", pkgconfigTgt + ".in"), installPkgconfig)
# Default to None, since if the user disables all targets and no Default is set, all targets
# are built by default
if env["enableTests"]:
if env["enableShared"]:
if Platform in Posix:
def symlink(env, target, source):
trgt = str(target[0])
src = str(source[0])
if os.path.islink(trgt) or os.path.exists(trgt):
os.symlink(os.path.basename(src), trgt)
major, minor, micro = [int(c) for c in ApiVer.split(".")]
soFile = "%s.%s" % (os.path.basename(str(sharedLib[0])), ApiVer)
env.InstallAs(target=os.path.join(libDir, soFile), source=sharedLib)
# Install symlinks
symTrgt = os.path.join(libDir, soFile)
env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "" % (major, minor)),
symTrgt, symlink)
symTrgt = rsplit(symTrgt, ".", 1)[0]
env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, "" % major), symTrgt, symlink)
symTrgt = rsplit(symTrgt, ".", 1)[0]
env.Command(os.path.join(libDir, ""), symTrgt, symlink)
if env["enableStatic"]:
env.Install(libDir, staticLib)
env.Install(includeDir, os.path.join("include", "portaudio.h"))
if env["enableCxx"]:
cxxEnv = env.Copy()
sharedLibs, staticLibs, headers = env.SConscript(os.path.join("bindings", "cpp", "SConscript"),
exports={"env": cxxEnv, "buildDir": buildDir}, build_dir=os.path.join(buildDir, "portaudiocpp"), duplicate=False)
if env["enableStatic"]:
env.Install(libDir, staticLibs)
if env["enableShared"]:
env.Install(libDir, sharedLibs)
env.Install(os.path.join(includeDir, "portaudiocpp"), headers)
# Generate portaudio_config.h header with compile-time definitions of which PA
# back-ends are available, and which includes back-end extension headers
# Host-specific headers
hostApiHeaders = {"ALSA": "pa_linux_alsa.h",
"ASIO": "pa_asio.h",
"COREAUDIO": "pa_mac_core.h",
"JACK": "pa_jack.h",
"WMME": "pa_winwmme.h",
def buildConfigH(target, source, env):
"""builder for portaudio_config.h"""
global hostApiHeaders, hostApis
out = ""
for hostApi in hostApis:
out += "#define PA_HAVE_%s\n" % hostApi
hostApiSpecificHeader = hostApiHeaders.get(hostApi, None)
if hostApiSpecificHeader:
out += "#include \"%s\"\n" % hostApiSpecificHeader
out += "\n"
# Strip the last newline
if out and out[-1] == "\n":
out = out[:-1]
f = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
try: f.write(out)
finally: f.close()
return 0
# Define the builder for the config header
env.Append(BUILDERS={"portaudioConfig": env.Builder(
action=Action(buildConfigH), target_factory=env.fs.File)})
confH = env.portaudioConfig(File("portaudio_config.h", "include"),
File("portaudio.h", "include"))
env.Install(os.path.join(includeDir, "portaudio"), confH)
for api in hostApis:
if api in hostApiHeaders:
env.Install(os.path.join(includeDir, "portaudio"),
File(hostApiHeaders[api], "include"))

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
import os.path
Import("env", "buildDir")
ApiVer = "0.0.12"
Major, Minor, Micro = [int(c) for c in ApiVer.split(".")]
sharedLibs = []
staticLibs = []
Import("Platform", "Posix")
if Platform in Posix:
env["SHLIBSUFFIX"] = ".so.%d.%d.%d" % (Major, Minor, Micro)
soFile = ""
if Platform != 'darwin':
env.AppendUnique(SHLINKFLAGS="-Wl,-soname=%s.%d" % (soFile, Major))
# Create symlinks
def symlink(env, target, source):
trgt = str(target[0])
src = str(source[0])
if os.path.islink(trgt) or os.path.exists(trgt):
os.symlink(os.path.basename(src), trgt)
lnk0 = env.Command(soFile + ".%d" % (Major), soFile + ".%d.%d.%d" % (Major, Minor, Micro), symlink)
lnk1 = env.Command(soFile, soFile + ".%d" % (Major), symlink)
src = [os.path.join("source", "portaudiocpp", "%s.cxx" % f) for f in ("BlockingStream", "CallbackInterface", \
"CallbackStream", "CFunCallbackStream","CppFunCallbackStream", "Device",
"DirectionSpecificStreamParameters", "Exception", "HostApi", "InterfaceCallbackStream",
"MemFunCallbackStream", "Stream", "StreamParameters", "System", "SystemDeviceIterator",
env.Append(LIBS="portaudio", LIBPATH=buildDir)
sharedLib = env.SharedLibrary("portaudiocpp", src, LIBS=["portaudio"])
staticLib = env.Library("portaudiocpp", src, LIBS=["portaudio"])
headers = Split("""AutoSystem.hxx
if env["PLATFORM"] == "win32":
headers = [File(os.path.join("include", "portaudiocpp", h)) for h in headers]
Return("sharedLibs", "staticLibs", "headers")

View File

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
import os.path, sys
class ConfigurationError(Exception):
def __init__(self, reason):
Exception.__init__(self, "Configuration failed: %s" % reason)
env = Environment()
# sunos, aix, hpux, irix, sunos appear to be platforms known by SCons, assuming they're POSIX compliant
Posix = ("linux", "darwin", "sunos", "aix", "hpux", "irix", "sunos", "netbsd")
Windows = ("win32", "cygwin")
if env["PLATFORM"] == "posix":
if sys.platform[:5] == "linux":
Platform = "linux"
elif sys.platform[:6] == "netbsd":
Platform = "netbsd"
raise ConfigurationError("Unknown platform %s" % sys.platform)
if not env["PLATFORM"] in ("win32", "cygwin") + Posix:
raise ConfigurationError("Unknown platform %s" % env["PLATFORM"])
Platform = env["PLATFORM"]
# Inspired by the versioning scheme followed by Qt, it seems sensible enough. There are three components: major, minor
# and micro. Major changes with each subtraction from the API (backward-incompatible, i.e. V19 vs. V18), minor changes
# with each addition to the API (backward-compatible), micro changes with each revision of the source code.
ApiVer = "2.0.0"
Export("Platform", "Posix", "ConfigurationError", "ApiVer")

View File

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
import os.path, sys
def _PackageOption(pkgName, default=1):
""" Allow user to choose whether a package should be used if available. This results in a commandline option use<Pkgname>,
where Pkgname is the name of the package with a capitalized first letter.
@param pkgName: Name of package.
@param default: The default value for this option ("yes"/"no").
return BoolOption("use%s" % pkgName[0].upper() + pkgName[1:], "use %s if available" % (pkgName), default)
def _BoolOption(opt, explanation, default=1):
""" Allow user to enable/disable a certain option. This results in a commandline option enable<Option>, where Option
is the name of the option with a capitalized first letter.
@param opt: Name of option.
@param explanation: Explanation of option.
@param default: The default value for this option (1/0).
return BoolOption("enable%s" % opt[0].upper() + opt[1:], explanation, default)
def _EnumOption(opt, explanation, allowedValues, default):
""" Allow the user to choose among a set of values for an option. This results in a commandline option with<Option>,
where Option is the name of the option with a capitalized first letter.
@param opt: The name of the option.
@param explanation: Explanation of option.
@param allowedValues: The set of values to choose from.
@param default: The default value.
assert default in allowedValues
return EnumOption("with%s" % opt[0].upper() + opt[1:], explanation, default, allowed_values=allowedValues)
def _DirectoryOption(opt, explanation, default):
""" Allow the user to configure the location for a certain directory, for instance the prefix. This results in a
commandline option which is simply the name of this option.
@param opt: The configurable directory, for instance "prefix".
@param explanation: Explanation of option.
@param default: The default value for this option.
return PathOption(opt, explanation, default)
# Incompatible with the latest stable SCons
# return PathOption(path, help, default, PathOption.PathIsDir)
import SCons.Errors
Import("Platform", "Posix")
except SCons.Errors.UserError:
# The common objects must be exported first
Import("Platform", "Posix")
# Expose the options as a dictionary of sets of options
opts = {}
if Platform in Posix:
opts["Installation Dirs"] = [_DirectoryOption("prefix", "installation prefix", "/usr/local")]
elif Platform in Windows:
if Platform == "cygwin":
opts["Installation Dirs"] = [_DirectoryOption("prefix", "installation prefix", "/usr/local")]
opts["Build Targets"] = [_BoolOption("shared", "create shared library"), _BoolOption("static", "create static library"),
_BoolOption("tests", "build test programs")]
apis = []
if Platform in Posix:
apis.append(_PackageOption("ALSA", Platform == "linux"))
apis.append(_PackageOption("ASIHPI", Platform == "linux"))
apis.append(_PackageOption("COREAUDIO", Platform == "darwin"))
elif Platform in Windows:
if Platform == "cygwin":
apis.append(_EnumOption("winAPI", "Windows API to use", ("wmme", "directx", "asio"), "wmme"))
opts["Host APIs"] = apis
opts["Build Parameters"] = [\
_BoolOption("debug", "compile with debug symbols"),
_BoolOption("optimize", "compile with optimization", default=0),
_BoolOption("asserts", "runtime assertions are helpful for debugging, but can be detrimental to performance",
_BoolOption("debugOutput", "enable debug output", default=0),
# _BoolOption("python", "create Python binding"),
("customCFlags", "customize compilation of C code", ""),
("customCxxFlags", "customize compilation of C++ code", ""),
("customLinkFlags", "customize linking", ""),
opts["Bindings"] = [\
_BoolOption("cxx", "build Merlijn Blaauw's PA C++ wrapper", default=0)

View File

@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
import os.path, copy, sys
def checkSymbol(conf, header, library=None, symbol=None, autoAdd=True, critical=False, pkgName=None):
""" Check for symbol in library, optionally look only for header.
@param conf: Configure instance.
@param header: The header file where the symbol is declared.
@param library: The library in which the symbol exists, if None it is taken to be the standard C library.
@param symbol: The symbol to look for, if None only the header will be looked up.
@param autoAdd: Automatically link with this library if check is positive.
@param critical: Raise on error?
@param pkgName: Optional name of pkg-config entry for library, to determine build parameters.
@return: True/False
origEnv = conf.env.Copy() # Copy unmodified environment so we can restore it upon error
env = conf.env
if library is None:
library = "c" # Standard library
autoAdd = False
if pkgName is not None:
origLibs = copy.copy(env.get("LIBS", None))
try: env.ParseConfig("pkg-config --silence-errors %s --cflags --libs" % pkgName)
except: pass
# I see no other way of checking that the parsing succeeded, if it did add no more linking parameters
if env.get("LIBS", None) != origLibs:
autoAdd = False
if not conf.CheckCHeader(header, include_quotes="<>"):
raise ConfigurationError("missing header %s" % header)
if symbol is not None and not conf.CheckLib(library, symbol, language="C", autoadd=autoAdd):
raise ConfigurationError("missing symbol %s in library %s" % (symbol, library))
except ConfigurationError:
conf.env = origEnv
if not critical:
return False
return True
import SCons.Errors
# Import common variables
# Could use '#' to refer to top-level SConstruct directory, but looks like env.SConsignFile doesn't interpret this at least :(
sconsDir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join("build", "scons"))
Import("Platform", "Posix", "ConfigurationError", "ApiVer")
except SCons.Errors.UserError:
# The common objects must be exported first
SConscript(os.path.join(sconsDir, "SConscript_common"))
Import("Platform", "Posix", "ConfigurationError", "ApiVer")
# This will be manipulated
env = env.Copy()
# We operate with a set of needed libraries and optional libraries, the latter stemming from host API implementations.
# For libraries of both types we record a set of values that is used to look for the library in question, during
# configuration. If the corresponding library for a host API implementation isn't found, the implementation is left out.
neededLibs = []
optionalImpls = {}
if Platform in Posix:
env.Append(CPPPATH=os.path.join("os", "unix"))
neededLibs += [("pthread", "pthread.h", "pthread_create"), ("m", "math.h", "sin")]
if env["useALSA"]:
optionalImpls["ALSA"] = ("asound", "alsa/asoundlib.h", "snd_pcm_open")
if env["useJACK"]:
optionalImpls["JACK"] = ("jack", "jack/jack.h", "jack_client_new")
if env["useOSS"]:
# TODO: It looks like the prefix for soundcard.h depends on the platform
optionalImpls["OSS"] = ("oss", "sys/soundcard.h", None)
if Platform == 'netbsd':
optionalImpls["OSS"] = ("ossaudio", "sys/soundcard.h", "_oss_ioctl")
if env["useASIHPI"]:
optionalImpls["ASIHPI"] = ("hpi", "asihpi/hpi.h", "HPI_SubSysCreate")
if env["useCOREAUDIO"]:
optionalImpls["COREAUDIO"] = ("CoreAudio", "CoreAudio/CoreAudio.h", None)
raise ConfigurationError("unknown platform %s" % Platform)
if Platform == "darwin":
env.Append(LINKFLAGS="-framework CoreFoundation -framework CoreServices -framework CoreAudio -framework AudioToolBox -framework AudioUnit")
elif Platform == "cygwin":
elif Platform == "irix":
neededLibs += [("audio", "dmedia/audio.h", "alOpenPort"), ("dmedia", "dmedia/dmedia.h", "dmGetUST")]
def CheckCTypeSize(context, tp):
""" Check size of C type.
@param context: A configuration context.
@param tp: The type to check.
@return: Size of type, in bytes.
context.Message("Checking the size of C type %s..." % tp)
ret = context.TryRun("""
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("%%d", sizeof(%s));
return 0;
""" % tp, ".c")
if not ret[0]:
context.Result(" Couldn't obtain size of type %s!" % tp)
return None
assert ret[1]
sz = int(ret[1])
context.Result("%d" % sz)
return sz
if sys.byteorder == "little":
elif sys.byteorder == "big":
raise ConfigurationError("unknown byte order: %s" % sys.byteorder)
if env["enableDebugOutput"]:
# Start configuration
# Use an absolute path for conf_dir, otherwise it gets created both relative to current directory and build directory
conf = env.Configure(log_file=os.path.join(sconsDir, "sconf.log"), custom_tests={"CheckCTypeSize": CheckCTypeSize},
conf_dir=os.path.join(sconsDir, ".sconf_temp"))
conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_SHORT=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("short")])
conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_INT=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("int")])
conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["SIZEOF_LONG=%d" % conf.CheckCTypeSize("long")])
if checkSymbol(conf, "time.h", "rt", "clock_gettime"):
if checkSymbol(conf, "time.h", symbol="nanosleep"):
if conf.CheckCHeader("sys/soundcard.h"):
if conf.CheckCHeader("linux/soundcard.h"):
if conf.CheckCHeader("machine/soundcard.h"):
# Look for needed libraries and link with them
for lib, hdr, sym in neededLibs:
checkSymbol(conf, hdr, lib, sym, critical=True)
# Look for host API libraries, if a library isn't found disable corresponding host API implementation.
for name, val in optionalImpls.items():
lib, hdr, sym = val
if checkSymbol(conf, hdr, lib, sym, critical=False, pkgName=name.lower()):
conf.env.Append(CPPDEFINES=["PA_USE_%s=1" % name.upper()])
del optionalImpls[name]
# Configuration finished
env = conf.Finish()
# PA infrastructure
CommonSources = [os.path.join("common", f) for f in "pa_allocation.c pa_converters.c pa_cpuload.c pa_dither.c pa_front.c \
pa_process.c pa_stream.c pa_trace.c pa_debugprint.c pa_ringbuffer.c".split()]
CommonSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "skeleton", "pa_hostapi_skeleton.c"))
# Host APIs implementations
ImplSources = []
if Platform in Posix:
ImplSources += [os.path.join("os", "unix", f) for f in "pa_unix_hostapis.c pa_unix_util.c".split()]
if "ALSA" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "alsa", "pa_linux_alsa.c"))
if "JACK" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "jack", "pa_jack.c"))
if "OSS" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "oss", "pa_unix_oss.c"))
if "ASIHPI" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append(os.path.join("hostapi", "asihpi", "pa_linux_asihpi.c"))
if "COREAUDIO" in optionalImpls:
ImplSources.append([os.path.join("hostapi", "coreaudio", f) for f in """
pa_mac_core.c pa_mac_core_blocking.c pa_mac_core_utilities.c
sources = CommonSources + ImplSources
sharedLibEnv = env.Copy()
if Platform in Posix:
# Add soname to library, this is so a reference is made to the versioned library in programs linking against
if Platform != 'darwin':
sharedLibEnv.AppendUnique(SHLINKFLAGS="-Wl," % int(ApiVer.split(".")[0]))
sharedLib = sharedLibEnv.SharedLibrary(target="portaudio", source=sources)
staticLib = env.StaticLibrary(target="portaudio", source=sources)
if Platform in Posix:
prefix = env["prefix"]
includeDir = os.path.join(prefix, "include")
libDir = os.path.join(prefix, "lib")
testNames = ["patest_sine", "paqa_devs", "paqa_errs", "patest1", "patest_buffer", "patest_callbackstop", "patest_clip", \
"patest_dither", "patest_hang", "patest_in_overflow", "patest_latency", "patest_leftright", "patest_longsine", \
"patest_many", "patest_maxsines", "patest_multi_sine", "patest_out_underflow", "patest_pink", "patest_prime", \
"patest_read_record", "patest_record", "patest_ringmix", "patest_saw", "patest_sine8", "patest_sine", \
"patest_sine_time", "patest_start_stop", "patest_stop", "patest_sync", "patest_toomanysines", \
"patest_underflow", "patest_wire", "patest_write_sine", "pa_devs", "pa_fuzz", "pa_minlat", \
# The test directory ("bin") should be in the top-level PA directory
tests = [env.Program(target=os.path.join("#", "bin", name), source=[os.path.join("#", "test", name + ".c"),
staticLib]) for name in testNames]
# Detect host APIs
hostApis = []
for cppdef in env["CPPDEFINES"]:
if cppdef.startswith("PA_USE_"):
Return("sources", "sharedLib", "staticLib", "tests", "env", "hostApis")