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# PortAudio Repository Whitespace Linter
# Run this script from the root of the repository using the command:
# python pa_whitelint.py
# Check all source files for the following:
# 1. Consistent line endings are used throughout each file.
# 2. No tabs are present. Use spaces for indenting.
# 3. Indenting: leading whitespace is usually a multiple of 4 spaces,
# with permissive exceptions for continuation lines.
# 4. Lines have no trailing whitespace.
# 5. No non-ASCII or weird control characters are present.
# 6. End-of-line is present at end-of-file.
# 7. No empty (or whitespace) lines at end-of-file.
from pathlib import Path
import re
import sys
# Configuration:
# Check these file types:
sourceFileTypes = ["*.c", "*.h", "*.cpp", "*.cxx", "*.hxx"]
# Scan these directories
dirs = ["src", "include", "examples", "test", "qa"]
# Exclude files or directories with the following names:
excludePathParts = [
indentSpaceCount = 4
verbose = True
checkBadIndenting = True
verboseBadIndenting = True
# (End configuration)
class FileStatus:
"""Issue status for a particular file. Stores issue counts for each type of issue."""
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
issueNames = [
self.issueCounts = dict.fromkeys(issueNames, 0)
def incrementIssueCount(self, issueName):
assert issueName in self.issueCounts # catch typos in issueName
self.issueCounts[issueName] += 1
def hasIssue(self, issueName):
return self.issueCounts[issueName] > 0
def hasIssues(self):
return any(count > 0 for count in self.issueCounts.values())
def issueSummaryString(self):
return str.join(", ", [name for name in self.issueCounts if self.issueCounts[name] > 0])
def multilineCommentIsOpenAtEol(lineText, wasOpenAtStartOfLine):
isOpen = wasOpenAtStartOfLine
index = 0
end = len(lineText)
while index != -1 and index < end:
if isOpen:
index = lineText.find(b"*/", index)
if index != -1:
isOpen = False
index += 2
index = lineText.find(b"/*", index)
if index != -1:
isOpen = True
index += 2
return isOpen
def allowStrangeIndentOnFollowingLine(lineText):
"""Compute whether a non-standard indent is allowed on the following line.
A line allows an unusual indent to follow if it is the beginning of a
multi-line function parameter list, an element of a function parameter list,
or an incomplete expression (binary operator, etc.).
s = lineText.strip(b" ")
if len(s) == 0:
return False
if s.rfind(b"*/") == (len(s) - 2): # line has a trailing comment, strip it
commentStart = s.rfind(b"/*")
if commentStart != -1:
s = s[:commentStart].strip(b" ")
if len(s) == 0:
return False
if len(s) == 0:
return False
okChars = b'(,\\+-/*=&|?:"'
if s[-1] in okChars: # non-comment program text has trailing okChar: '(' or ',' etc.
return True
return False
def allowStrangeIndentOfLine(lineText):
"""Compute whether a non-standard indent is allowed on the line.
A line is allowed an unusual indent if it is the continuation of an
incomplete expression (binary operator, etc.).
s = lineText.strip(b" ")
if len(s) == 0:
return False
okChars = b'+-/*=&|?:)"'
if s[0] in okChars:
return True
return False
# Run the checks over all files specified by [sourceFileTypes, dirs, excludePathParts]:
statusSummary = []
for dir in dirs:
for ext in sourceFileTypes:
for path in Path(dir).rglob(ext):
if any(part in path.parts for part in excludePathParts):
# during development, uncomment the following 2 lines and select a specific path:
#if not "qa" in path.parts:
# continue
data = path.read_bytes()
status = FileStatus(path)
# Perform checks:
# 1. Consistent line endings
# check and then normalize to \n line endings for the benefit of the rest of the program
if b"\r" in data and b"\n" in data:
# CRLF (Windows) case: check for stray CR or LF, then convert CRLF to LF
assert not b"\f" in data # we'll use \f as a sentinel during conversion
d = data.replace(b"\r\n", b"\f")
if b"\r" in d:
if verbose:
print("error: {0} stray carriage return".format(path))
if b"\n" in d:
if verbose:
print("error: {0} stray newline".format(path))
data = d.replace(b"\f", b"\n") # normalize line endings
elif b"\r" in data:
# CR (Classic Mac) case: convert CR to LF
data = d.replace(b"\r", b"\n") # normalize line endings
# LF (Unix) case: no change
lines = data.split(b"\n") # relies on newline normalization above
# 2. Absence of tabs
lineNo = 1
for line in lines:
if b"\t" in line:
if verbose:
print("error: {0}({1}) contains tab".format(path, lineNo))
lineNo += 1
data = data.replace(b"\t", b" "*indentSpaceCount) # normalize tabs to <indentSpaceCount> spaces for indent algorithm below
lines = data.split(b"\n") # recompute lines, relies on newline normalization above
# 3. Correct leading whitespace / bad indenting
if checkBadIndenting:
leadingWhitespaceRe = re.compile(b"^\s*")
commentIsOpen = False
previousLine = b""
previousIndent = 0
lineNo = 1
for line in lines:
if commentIsOpen:
# don't check leading whitespace inside comments
commentIsOpen = multilineCommentIsOpenAtEol(line, commentIsOpen)
previousIndent = 0
m = leadingWhitespaceRe.search(line)
indent = m.end() - m.start()
if indent != len(line): # ignore whitespace lines, they are considered trailing whitespace
if indent % indentSpaceCount != 0 and indent != previousIndent:
# potential bad indents are not multiples of <indentSpaceCount>,
# and are not indented the same as the previous line
s = previousLine
if not allowStrangeIndentOnFollowingLine(previousLine) and not allowStrangeIndentOfLine(line):
if verbose or verboseBadIndenting:
print("error: {0}({1}) bad indent: {2}".format(path, lineNo, indent))
commentIsOpen = multilineCommentIsOpenAtEol(line, commentIsOpen)
previousIndent = indent
previousLine = line
lineNo += 1
# 4. No trailing whitespace
trailingWhitespaceRe = re.compile(b"\s*$")
lineNo = 1
for line in lines:
m = trailingWhitespaceRe.search(line)
trailing = m.end() - m.start()
if trailing > 0:
if verbose:
print("error: {0}({1}) trailing whitespace:".format(path, lineNo))
lineNo += 1
# 5. No non-ASCII or weird control characters
badCharactersRe = re.compile(b"[^\t\r\n\x20-\x7E]+")
lineNo = 1
for line in lines:
m = badCharactersRe.search(line)
if m:
bad = m.end() - m.start()
if bad > 0:
if verbose:
print("error: {0}({1}) bad character:".format(path, lineNo))
lineNo += 1
# 6. Require EOL at EOF
if len(data) == 0:
if verbose:
lineNo = 1
print("error: {0}({1}) no end-of-line at end-of-file (empty file)".format(path, lineNo))
lastChar = data[-1]
if lastChar != b"\n"[0]:
if verbose:
lineNo = len(lines)
print("error: {0}({1}) no end-of-line at end-of-file".format(path, lineNo))
# 7. No "empty" (or whitespace) lines at end-of-file.
# Cases:
# 1. There is an EOL at EOF. Since the lines array is constructed by splitting on '\n',
# the final element in the lines array will be an empty string. This is expeced and allowed.
# Then continue to check for earlier empty lines.
# 2. There is no EOF at EOL.
# Check for empty lines, including the final line.
expectEmptyFinalLine = not status.hasIssue("has-no-eol-character-at-end-of-file") # i.e. we have EOL at EOF
finalLineNo = len(lines)
lineNo = finalLineNo
for line in reversed(lines):
if lineNo == finalLineNo and expectEmptyFinalLine:
assert len(line) == 0 # this is guaranteed, since lines = data.split('\n') and there is an EOL at EOF
s = line.strip(b" ") # whitespace-only-lines count as empty
if len(s) == 0:
if verbose:
print("error: {0}({1}) empty line at end-of-file".format(path, lineNo))
break # stop checking once we encounter a non-empty line
lineNo -= 1
issuesFound = False
for s in statusSummary:
if s.hasIssues():
issuesFound = True
print("error: " + str(s.path) + " (" + s.issueSummaryString() + ")")
if issuesFound:
print("all good.")