
1173 lines
24 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C ; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
* LADI Session Handler (ladish)
* Copyright (C) 2010,2011,2012 Nedko Arnaudov <>
* This file contains implementation save releated helper functions
* LADI Session Handler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* LADI Session Handler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with LADI Session Handler. If not, see <>
* or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
#include <unistd.h>
#include "save.h"
#include "escape.h"
#include "studio.h"
struct ladish_write_vgraph_context
int fd;
int indent;
ladish_app_supervisor_handle app_supervisor;
bool client_visible;
ladish_app_supervisor_handle app_supervisor,
ladish_client_handle UNUSED(client),
ladish_port_handle port)
uuid_t app_uuid;
ladish_app_handle app;
/* hidden ports of external apps should not be saved */
/* hidden ports of stopped managed apps should be saved */
/* hidden ports of started managed apps should not be saved */
if (!ladish_port_get_app(port, app_uuid))
/* port of external app, don't save */
return false;
app = ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_uuid(app_supervisor, app_uuid);
if (app == NULL)
ASSERT_NO_PASS; /* this should not happen because app ports are removed before app is removed */
return false;
return !ladish_app_is_running(app);
bool ladish_write_string(int fd, const char * string)
size_t len;
ssize_t ret;
len = strlen(string);
ret = write(fd, string, len);
if (ret == -1)
log_error("write(%d, \"%s\", %zu) failed to write file: %d (%s)", fd, string, len, errno, strerror(errno));
return false;
if ((size_t)ret != len)
log_error("write() wrote wrong byte count to file (%zd != %zu).", ret, len);
return false;
return true;
bool ladish_write_indented_string(int fd, int indent, const char * string)
ASSERT(indent >= 0);
while (indent--)
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, LADISH_XML_BASE_INDENT))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, string))
return false;
return true;
bool ladish_write_string_escape_ex(int fd, const char * string, unsigned int flags)
bool ret;
char * escaped_buffer;
escaped_buffer = malloc(max_escaped_length(strlen(string)));
if (escaped_buffer == NULL)
log_error("malloc() failed to allocate buffer for escaped string");
return false;
escape_simple(string, escaped_buffer, flags);
ret = ladish_write_string(fd, escaped_buffer);
return ret;
bool ladish_write_string_escape(int fd, const char * string)
return ladish_write_string_escape_ex(fd, string, LADISH_ESCAPE_FLAG_ALL);
void * UNUSED(context),
const char * key,
const char * UNUSED(value))
return strcmp(key, URI_A2J_PORT) == 0;
static bool ladish_port_dict_is_empty(ladish_dict_handle dict)
return ladish_dict_iterate(dict, NULL, ladish_port_dict_ignored_keys_check);
#define fd (((struct ladish_write_context *)context)->fd)
#define indent (((struct ladish_write_context *)context)->indent)
void * context,
const char * key,
const char * value)
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<key name=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, key))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\">"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, value))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "</key>\n"))
return false;
return true;
void * context,
ladish_port_handle port,
const char * name,
uint32_t type,
uint32_t flags)
uuid_t uuid;
char str[37];
bool midi;
const char * type_str;
bool playback;
const char * direction_str;
ladish_dict_handle dict;
ladish_port_get_uuid(port, uuid);
uuid_unparse(uuid, str);
playback = (flags & JACKDBUS_PORT_FLAG_INPUT) != 0;
ASSERT(playback || (flags & JACKDBUS_PORT_FLAG_OUTPUT) != 0); /* playback or capture */
ASSERT(!(playback && (flags & JACKDBUS_PORT_FLAG_OUTPUT) != 0)); /* but not both */
direction_str = playback ? "playback" : "capture";
ASSERT(midi || type == JACKDBUS_PORT_TYPE_AUDIO); /* midi or audio */
ASSERT(!(midi && type == JACKDBUS_PORT_TYPE_AUDIO)); /* but not both */
type_str = midi ? "midi" : "audio";
log_info("saving room %s %s port '%s' (%s)", direction_str, type_str, name, str);
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<port name=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string_escape_ex(fd, name, LADISH_ESCAPE_FLAG_XML_ATTR))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" uuid=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" type=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, type_str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" direction=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, direction_str))
return false;
dict = ladish_port_get_dict(port);
if (ladish_port_dict_is_empty(dict))
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" />\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\">\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_dict(fd, indent + 1, dict))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</port>\n"))
return false;
return true;
#undef indent
#undef fd
bool ladish_write_dict(int fd, int indent, ladish_dict_handle dict)
struct ladish_write_context context;
ladish_dict_handle dict_dup;
bool ret;
if (ladish_dict_get(dict, URI_A2J_PORT) != NULL)
if (!ladish_dict_dup(dict, &dict_dup))
log_error("ladish_dict_dup() failed");
dict_dup = NULL;
ladish_dict_drop(dict_dup, URI_A2J_PORT);
dict = dict_dup;
dict_dup = NULL;
if (ladish_dict_is_empty(dict))
ret = true;
goto dup_destroy;
context.fd = fd;
context.indent = indent + 1;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<dict>\n"))
ret = false;
goto dup_destroy;
if (!ladish_dict_iterate(dict, &context, write_dict_entry))
ret = false;
goto dup_destroy;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</dict>\n"))
ret = false;
goto dup_destroy;
ret = true;
if (dict_dup != NULL)
return ret;
bool ladish_write_room_link_ports(int fd, int indent, ladish_room_handle room)
struct ladish_write_context context;
context.fd = fd;
context.indent = indent;
if (!ladish_room_iterate_link_ports(room, &context, ladish_write_room_port))
log_error("ladish_room_iterate_link_ports() failed");
return false;
return true;
/* write vgraph */
#define fd (((struct ladish_write_vgraph_context *)context)->fd)
#define indent (((struct ladish_write_vgraph_context *)context)->indent)
#define ctx_ptr ((struct ladish_write_vgraph_context *)context)
void * context,
ladish_graph_handle UNUSED(graph),
bool hidden,
ladish_client_handle client_handle,
const char * client_name,
void ** UNUSED(client_iteration_context_ptr_ptr))
uuid_t uuid;
char str[37];
uuid_t app_uuid;
char app_str[37];
ctx_ptr->client_visible = !hidden;
if (!ctx_ptr->client_visible)
if (ladish_client_has_app(client_handle))
ctx_ptr->client_visible = true;
log_info("saving hidden vgraph client '%s' of managed app", client_name);
log_info("not saving hidden vgraph client '%s' because it has no app associated", client_name);
if (!ctx_ptr->client_visible)
return true;
ladish_client_get_uuid(client_handle, uuid);
uuid_unparse(uuid, str);
log_info("saving vgraph client '%s' (%s)", client_name, str);
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<client name=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string_escape_ex(fd, client_name, LADISH_ESCAPE_FLAG_XML_ATTR))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" uuid=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" naming=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "app"))
return false;
if (ladish_client_get_app(client_handle, app_uuid))
uuid_unparse(app_uuid, app_str);
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" app=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, app_str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\">\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent + 1, "<ports>\n"))
return false;
return true;
void * context,
ladish_graph_handle UNUSED(graph),
bool UNUSED(hidden),
ladish_client_handle client_handle,
const char * UNUSED(client_name),
void * UNUSED(client_iteration_context_ptr))
if (!ctx_ptr->client_visible)
return true;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent + 1, "</ports>\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_dict(fd, indent + 1, ladish_client_get_dict(client_handle)))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</client>\n"))
return false;
return true;
static bool ladish_get_vgraph_port_uuids(ladish_graph_handle vgraph, ladish_port_handle port, uuid_t uuid, uuid_t link_uuid)
bool link;
if (vgraph != ladish_studio_get_studio_graph())
link = false; /* room ports are saved using their fixed uuids */
link = ladish_port_is_link(port);
if (link)
/* get the generated port uuid that is used for identification in the virtual graph */
ladish_graph_get_port_uuid(vgraph, port, uuid);
if (!link || link_uuid != NULL)
/* get the real port uuid that is same in both room and studio graphs */
ladish_port_get_uuid(port, link ? link_uuid : uuid);
return link;
void * context,
ladish_graph_handle graph,
bool hidden,
void * UNUSED(client_iteration_context_ptr),
ladish_client_handle client_handle,
const char * client_name,
ladish_port_handle port_handle,
const char * port_name,
uint32_t port_type,
uint32_t port_flags)
uuid_t uuid;
bool link;
uuid_t link_uuid;
char str[37];
char link_str[37];
ladish_dict_handle dict;
if (!ctx_ptr->client_visible)
return true;
/* skip hidden ports of running apps */
if (hidden && !is_hidden_port_interesting(ctx_ptr->app_supervisor, client_handle, port_handle))
log_info("skippping hidden vgraph port '%s':'%s'", client_name, port_name);
return true;
link = ladish_get_vgraph_port_uuids(graph, port_handle, uuid, link_uuid);
uuid_unparse(uuid, str);
if (link)
uuid_unparse(link_uuid, link_str);
log_info("saving vgraph link port '%s':'%s' (%s link=%s)", client_name, port_name, str, link_str);
log_info("saving vgraph port '%s':'%s' (%s)", client_name, port_name, str);
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent + 2, "<port name=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string_escape_ex(fd, port_name, LADISH_ESCAPE_FLAG_XML_ATTR))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" uuid=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" type=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, port_type == JACKDBUS_PORT_TYPE_AUDIO ? "audio" : "midi"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" direction=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, JACKDBUS_PORT_IS_INPUT(port_flags) ? "input" : "output"))
return false;
if (link)
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" link_uuid=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, link_str))
return false;
dict = ladish_port_get_dict(port_handle);
if (ladish_port_dict_is_empty(dict))
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" />\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\">\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_dict(fd, indent + 3, dict))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent + 2, "</port>\n"))
return false;
return true;
void * context,
ladish_graph_handle graph,
bool connection_hidden,
ladish_client_handle client1,
ladish_port_handle port1,
bool port1_hidden,
ladish_client_handle client2,
ladish_port_handle port2,
bool port2_hidden,
ladish_dict_handle dict)
uuid_t uuid;
char str[37];
/* if at least one of ports is hidden, connection must be hidden too */
ASSERT(!(port1_hidden || port2_hidden) || connection_hidden);
if (connection_hidden &&
((port1_hidden && !is_hidden_port_interesting(ctx_ptr->app_supervisor, client1, port1)) ||
(port2_hidden && !is_hidden_port_interesting(ctx_ptr->app_supervisor, client2, port2))))
return true;
log_info("saving vgraph connection");
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<connection port1=\""))
return false;
ladish_get_vgraph_port_uuids(graph, port1, uuid, NULL);
uuid_unparse(uuid, str);
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" port2=\""))
return false;
ladish_get_vgraph_port_uuids(graph, port2, uuid, NULL);
uuid_unparse(uuid, str);
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, str))
return false;
if (ladish_dict_is_empty(dict))
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" />\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\">\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_dict(fd, indent + 1, dict))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</connection>\n"))
return false;
return true;
void * context,
const char * name,
bool running,
const char * command,
bool terminal,
const char * level,
pid_t UNUSED(pid),
const uuid_t uuid)
const char * unescaped_string;
char * escaped_string;
char * escaped_buffer;
bool ret;
char str[37];
uuid_unparse(uuid, str);
log_info("saving app: name='%s', %srunning, %s, level '%s', commandline='%s'", name, running ? "" : "not ", terminal ? "terminal" : "shell", level, command);
ret = false;
escaped_buffer = malloc(max_escaped_length(ladish_max(strlen(name), strlen(command))) + 1);
if (escaped_buffer == NULL)
log_error("malloc() failed.");
goto exit;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<application name=\""))
goto free_buffer;
unescaped_string = name;
escaped_string = escaped_buffer;
escape(&unescaped_string, &escaped_string, LADISH_ESCAPE_FLAG_ALL);
*escaped_string = 0;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, escaped_buffer))
goto free_buffer;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" uuid=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" terminal=\""))
goto free_buffer;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, terminal ? "true" : "false"))
goto free_buffer;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" level=\""))
goto free_buffer;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, level))
goto free_buffer;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" autorun=\""))
goto free_buffer;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, running ? "true" : "false"))
goto free_buffer;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\">"))
goto free_buffer;
unescaped_string = command;
escaped_string = escaped_buffer;
escape(&unescaped_string, &escaped_string, LADISH_ESCAPE_FLAG_ALL);
*escaped_string = 0;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, escaped_buffer))
goto free_buffer;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "</application>\n"))
goto free_buffer;
ret = true;
return ret;
#undef ctx_ptr
#undef indent
#undef fd
bool ladish_write_vgraph(int fd, int indent, ladish_graph_handle vgraph, ladish_app_supervisor_handle app_supervisor)
struct ladish_write_vgraph_context context;
context.fd = fd;
context.indent = indent + 1;
context.app_supervisor = app_supervisor;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<clients>\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_graph_iterate_nodes(
log_error("ladish_graph_iterate_nodes() failed");
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</clients>\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<connections>\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_graph_iterate_connections(vgraph, &context, ladish_save_vgraph_connection))
log_error("ladish_graph_iterate_connections() failed");
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</connections>\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<applications>\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_app_supervisor_enum(app_supervisor, &context, ladish_save_app))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</applications>\n"))
return false;
return true;
/* write jack graph */
struct ladish_write_jack_context
int fd;
int indent;
ladish_graph_handle vgraph_filter;
ladish_app_supervisor_handle app_supervisor;
bool client_vgraph_match;
bool a2j;
bool client_visible;
static bool ladish_save_jack_client_write_prolog(int fd, int indent, ladish_client_handle client_handle, const char * client_name)
uuid_t uuid;
char str[37];
ladish_client_get_uuid(client_handle, uuid);
uuid_unparse(uuid, str);
log_info("saving jack client '%s' (%s)", client_name, str);
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<client name=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string_escape_ex(fd, client_name, LADISH_ESCAPE_FLAG_XML_ATTR))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" uuid=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\">\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent + 1, "<ports>\n"))
return false;
return true;
#define fd (((struct ladish_write_jack_context *)context)->fd)
#define indent (((struct ladish_write_jack_context *)context)->indent)
#define ctx_ptr ((struct ladish_write_jack_context *)context)
void * context,
ladish_graph_handle UNUSED(graph_handle),
bool hidden,
ladish_client_handle client_handle,
const char * client_name,
void ** UNUSED(client_iteration_context_ptr_ptr))
void * vgraph;
vgraph = ladish_client_get_vgraph(client_handle);
ctx_ptr->client_vgraph_match = vgraph == ctx_ptr->vgraph_filter;
ctx_ptr->a2j = ladish_virtualizer_is_a2j_client(client_handle);
/* for the a2j client vgraph is always the studio graph.
However if studio has no a2j ports, lets not write a2j client.
If there is a a2j port that matched the vgraph, the prolog will get written anyway */
ctx_ptr->client_visible =
(!hidden ||
ladish_client_has_app(client_handle)) &&
ctx_ptr->client_vgraph_match &&
if (!ctx_ptr->client_visible)
return true;
return ladish_save_jack_client_write_prolog(fd, indent, client_handle, client_name);
void * context,
ladish_graph_handle UNUSED(graph_handle),
bool UNUSED(hidden),
ladish_client_handle UNUSED(client_handle),
const char * UNUSED(client_name),
void * UNUSED(client_iteration_context_ptr))
if (!ctx_ptr->client_visible)
return true;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent + 1, "</ports>\n"))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</client>\n"))
return false;
return true;
void * context,
ladish_graph_handle UNUSED(graph_handle),
bool hidden,
void * UNUSED(client_iteration_context_ptr),
ladish_client_handle client_handle,
const char * client_name,
ladish_port_handle port_handle,
const char * port_name,
uint32_t UNUSED(port_type),
uint32_t UNUSED(port_flags))
uuid_t uuid;
char str[37];
if (hidden && !ladish_port_has_app(port_handle))
return true;
/* check vgraph for a2j ports */
if (ctx_ptr->a2j && ctx_ptr->vgraph_filter == ladish_port_get_vgraph(port_handle))
if (!ctx_ptr->client_visible)
if (!ladish_save_jack_client_write_prolog(fd, indent, client_handle, client_name))
return false;
ctx_ptr->client_visible = true;
if (!ctx_ptr->client_visible)
return true;
/* skip hidden ports of running apps */
if (hidden && !is_hidden_port_interesting(ctx_ptr->app_supervisor, client_handle, port_handle))
log_info("skippping hidden vgraph port '%s':'%s'", client_name, port_name);
return true;
ladish_port_get_uuid(port_handle, uuid);
uuid_unparse(uuid, str);
log_info("saving jack port '%s':'%s' (%s)", client_name, port_name, str);
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent + 2, "<port name=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string_escape_ex(fd, port_name, LADISH_ESCAPE_FLAG_XML_ATTR))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" uuid=\""))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, str))
return false;
if (!ladish_write_string(fd, "\" />\n"))
return false;
return true;
#undef ctx_ptr
#undef indent
#undef fd
bool ladish_write_jgraph(int fd, int indent, ladish_graph_handle vgraph, ladish_app_supervisor_handle app_supervisor)
struct ladish_write_jack_context context;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "<clients>\n"))
return false;
context.fd = fd;
context.indent = indent + 1;
context.vgraph_filter = vgraph;
context.app_supervisor = app_supervisor;
if (!ladish_graph_iterate_nodes(
log_error("ladish_graph_iterate_nodes() failed");
return false;
if (!ladish_write_indented_string(fd, indent, "</clients>\n"))
return false;
return true;