/* -*- Mode: C ; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* * LADI Session Handler (ladish) * * Copyright (C) 2010 Nedko Arnaudov * ************************************************************************** * This file contains the code that checks data integrity ************************************************************************** * * LADI Session Handler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LADI Session Handler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LADI Session Handler. If not, see * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include /* usleep() */ #include "studio.h" #include "../proxies/notify_proxy.h" struct ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_context { ladish_graph_handle jack_graph; }; static void ladish_check_integrity_fail(const char * message) { log_error("Integirity check failed: %s", message); ladish_notify_simple(LADISH_NOTIFY_URGENCY_HIGH, "ladish daemon integrity check failed", LADISH_CHECK_LOG_TEXT); usleep(3 * 1000000); ASSERT_NO_PASS; } #define ctx_ptr ((struct ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_context *)context) bool ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_client_begin_callback( void * context, ladish_graph_handle graph_handle, bool hidden, ladish_client_handle client_handle, const char * client_name, void ** client_iteration_context_ptr_ptr) { return true; } bool ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_port_callback( void * context, ladish_graph_handle vgraph, bool hidden, void * client_iteration_context_ptr, ladish_client_handle client_handle, const char * client_name, ladish_port_handle vport, const char * port_name, uint32_t port_type, uint32_t port_flags) { uuid_t uuid; ladish_port_handle jport; char uuid_str[37]; bool link; ladish_port_get_uuid(vport, uuid); uuid_unparse(uuid, uuid_str); link = ladish_port_is_link(vport); if (link) { return true; } jport = ladish_graph_find_port_by_uuid(ctx_ptr->jack_graph, uuid, false, vgraph); if (jport == NULL) { log_error("vgraph: %s", ladish_graph_get_description(vgraph)); log_error("client name: %s", client_name); log_error("port name: %s", port_name); log_error("port uuid: %s", uuid_str); log_error("port ptr: %p", vport); log_error("port type: 0x%"PRIX32, port_type); log_error("port flags: 0x%"PRIX32, port_flags); ladish_check_integrity_fail("vgraph port not found in JACK graph."); } return true; } bool ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_client_end_callback( void * context, ladish_graph_handle graph_handle, bool hidden, ladish_client_handle client_handle, const char * client_name, void * client_iteration_context_ptr) { return true; } #undef ctx_ptr bool ladish_check_vgraph_integrity(void * context, ladish_graph_handle graph, ladish_app_supervisor_handle app_supervisor) { ladish_graph_iterate_nodes( graph, context, ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_client_begin_callback, ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_port_callback, ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_client_end_callback); return true; } void ladish_check_integrity(void) { struct ladish_check_vgraph_integrity_context ctx; //ladish_check_integrity_fail("test"); if (!ladish_studio_is_loaded()) { return; } ctx.jack_graph = ladish_studio_get_jack_graph(); ladish_studio_iterate_virtual_graphs(&ctx, ladish_check_vgraph_integrity); }