/* -*- Mode: C ; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* * LADI Session Handler (ladish) * * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Nedko Arnaudov * ************************************************************************** * This file contains implementation of app supervisor object ************************************************************************** * * LADI Session Handler is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LADI Session Handler is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LADI Session Handler. If not, see * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include "app_supervisor.h" #include "../dbus/error.h" #include "../dbus_constants.h" #include "loader.h" #include "studio_internal.h" struct ladish_app { struct list_head siblings; uint64_t id; char * name; char * commandline; bool terminal; uint8_t level; pid_t pid; bool zombie; bool hidden; bool autorun; }; struct ladish_app_supervisor { char * name; char * opath; uint64_t version; uint64_t next_id; struct list_head applist; void * on_app_renamed_context; void (* on_app_renamed)(void * context, const char * old_name, const char * new_app_name); }; bool ladish_app_supervisor_create( ladish_app_supervisor_handle * supervisor_handle_ptr, const char * opath, const char * name, void * context, void (* on_app_renamed)(void * context, const char * old_name, const char * new_app_name)) { struct ladish_app_supervisor * supervisor_ptr; supervisor_ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct ladish_app_supervisor)); if (supervisor_ptr == NULL) { log_error("malloc() failed to allocate struct ladish_app_supervisor"); return false; } supervisor_ptr->opath = strdup(opath); if (supervisor_ptr->opath == NULL) { log_error("strdup() failed for app supervisor opath"); free(supervisor_ptr); return false; } supervisor_ptr->name = strdup(name); if (supervisor_ptr->name == NULL) { log_error("strdup() failed for app supervisor name"); free(supervisor_ptr->opath); free(supervisor_ptr); return false; } supervisor_ptr->version = 0; supervisor_ptr->next_id = 1; INIT_LIST_HEAD(&supervisor_ptr->applist); supervisor_ptr->on_app_renamed_context = context; supervisor_ptr->on_app_renamed = on_app_renamed; *supervisor_handle_ptr = (ladish_app_supervisor_handle)supervisor_ptr; return true; } struct ladish_app * ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_name(struct ladish_app_supervisor * supervisor_ptr, const char * name) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (strcmp(app_ptr->name, name) == 0) { return app_ptr; } } return NULL; } struct ladish_app * ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_id(struct ladish_app_supervisor * supervisor_ptr, uint64_t id) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (app_ptr->id == id) { return app_ptr; } } return NULL; } static struct ladish_app * add_app_internal( struct ladish_app_supervisor * supervisor_ptr, const char * name, const char * commandline, dbus_bool_t terminal, dbus_bool_t autorun, uint8_t level) { struct ladish_app * app_ptr; dbus_bool_t running; app_ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct ladish_app)); if (app_ptr == NULL) { log_error("malloc of struct ladish_app failed"); return NULL; } app_ptr->name = strdup(name); if (app_ptr->name == NULL) { log_error("strdup() failed for app name"); free(app_ptr); return NULL; } app_ptr->commandline = strdup(commandline); if (app_ptr->commandline == NULL) { log_error("strdup() failed for app commandline"); free(app_ptr->name); free(app_ptr); return NULL; } app_ptr->terminal = terminal; app_ptr->level = level; app_ptr->pid = 0; app_ptr->id = supervisor_ptr->next_id++; app_ptr->zombie = false; app_ptr->hidden = false; app_ptr->autorun = autorun; list_add_tail(&app_ptr->siblings, &supervisor_ptr->applist); running = false; dbus_signal_emit( g_dbus_connection, supervisor_ptr->opath, IFACE_APP_SUPERVISOR, "AppAdded", "ttsbby", &supervisor_ptr->version, &app_ptr->id, &app_ptr->name, &running, &terminal, &app_ptr->level); return app_ptr; } void remove_app_internal(struct ladish_app_supervisor * supervisor_ptr, struct ladish_app * app_ptr) { list_del(&app_ptr->siblings); if (!app_ptr->hidden) { dbus_signal_emit( g_dbus_connection, supervisor_ptr->opath, IFACE_APP_SUPERVISOR, "AppRemoved", "tt", &supervisor_ptr->version, &app_ptr->id); } free(app_ptr->name); free(app_ptr->commandline); free(app_ptr); } void emit_app_state_changed(struct ladish_app_supervisor * supervisor_ptr, struct ladish_app * app_ptr) { dbus_bool_t running; dbus_bool_t terminal; if (app_ptr->hidden) { return; } running = app_ptr->pid != 0; terminal = app_ptr->terminal; dbus_signal_emit( g_dbus_connection, supervisor_ptr->opath, IFACE_APP_SUPERVISOR, "AppStateChanged", "tsbby", &app_ptr->id, &app_ptr->name, &running, &terminal, &app_ptr->level); } #define supervisor_ptr ((struct ladish_app_supervisor *)supervisor_handle) void ladish_app_supervisor_clear(ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct list_head * safe_node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; list_for_each_safe(node_ptr, safe_node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (app_ptr->pid != 0) { log_info("terminating '%s'...", app_ptr->name); app_ptr->zombie = true; kill(app_ptr->pid, SIGTERM); } else { log_info("removing '%s'", app_ptr->name); remove_app_internal(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); } } } void ladish_app_supervisor_destroy(ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle) { ladish_app_supervisor_clear(supervisor_handle); free(supervisor_ptr->name); free(supervisor_ptr->opath); free(supervisor_ptr); } bool ladish_app_supervisor_child_exit(ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle, pid_t pid) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (app_ptr->pid == pid) { log_info("exit of child '%s' detected.", app_ptr->name); app_ptr->pid = 0; if (app_ptr->zombie) { remove_app_internal(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); } else { emit_app_state_changed(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); } return true; } } return false; } bool ladish_app_supervisor_enum( ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle, void * context, bool (* callback)(void * context, const char * name, bool running, const char * command, bool terminal, uint8_t level, pid_t pid)) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (app_ptr->hidden) { continue; } if (!callback(context, app_ptr->name, app_ptr->pid != 0, app_ptr->commandline, app_ptr->terminal, app_ptr->level, app_ptr->pid)) { return false; } } return true; } bool ladish_app_supervisor_add( ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle, const char * name, bool autorun, const char * command, bool terminal, uint8_t level) { struct ladish_app * app_ptr; app_ptr = add_app_internal(supervisor_ptr, name, command, terminal, autorun, level); if (app_ptr == NULL) { log_error("add_app_internal() failed"); return false; } return true; } void ladish_app_supervisor_autorun(ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (!app_ptr->autorun) { continue; } app_ptr->autorun = false; log_info("autorun('%s', %s, '%s') called", app_ptr->name, app_ptr->terminal ? "terminal" : "shell", app_ptr->commandline); if (!loader_execute(supervisor_ptr->name, app_ptr->name, "/", app_ptr->terminal, app_ptr->commandline, &app_ptr->pid)) { log_error("Execution of '%s' failed", app_ptr->commandline); return; } emit_app_state_changed(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); } } void ladish_app_supervisor_stop(ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (app_ptr->pid != 0) { app_ptr->autorun = true; log_info("terminating '%s'...", app_ptr->name); kill(app_ptr->pid, SIGTERM); } } } char * ladish_app_supervisor_search_app(ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle, pid_t pid) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; char * name; list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (app_ptr->pid == pid) { //log_info("app \"%s\" found by pid %llu", app_ptr->name, (unsigned long long)pid); name = strdup(app_ptr->name); if (name == NULL) { log_error("strdup() failed for '%s'", app_ptr->name); } return name; } } return NULL; } const char * ladish_app_supervisor_get_name(ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle) { return supervisor_ptr->name; } unsigned int ladish_app_supervisor_get_running_app_count(ladish_app_supervisor_handle supervisor_handle) { struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; unsigned int counter; counter = 0; list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (app_ptr->pid != 0) { counter++; } } return counter; } #undef supervisor_ptr #define supervisor_ptr ((struct ladish_app_supervisor *)call_ptr->iface_context) static void get_all(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { DBusMessageIter iter, array_iter, struct_iter; struct list_head * node_ptr; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; dbus_bool_t running; dbus_bool_t terminal; log_info("get_all called"); call_ptr->reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(call_ptr->message); if (call_ptr->reply == NULL) { goto fail; } dbus_message_iter_init_append(call_ptr->reply, &iter); if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &supervisor_ptr->version)) { goto fail_unref; } if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container(&iter, DBUS_TYPE_ARRAY, "(tsbby)", &array_iter)) { goto fail_unref; } list_for_each(node_ptr, &supervisor_ptr->applist) { app_ptr = list_entry(node_ptr, struct ladish_app, siblings); if (app_ptr->hidden) { continue; } log_info("app '%s' (%llu)", app_ptr->name, (unsigned long long)app_ptr->id); if (!dbus_message_iter_open_container (&array_iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRUCT, NULL, &struct_iter)) { goto fail_unref; } if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&struct_iter, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &app_ptr->id)) { goto fail_unref; } if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&struct_iter, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &app_ptr->name)) { goto fail_unref; } running = app_ptr->pid != 0; if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&struct_iter, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &running)) { goto fail_unref; } terminal = app_ptr->terminal; if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&struct_iter, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &terminal)) { goto fail_unref; } if (!dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&struct_iter, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &app_ptr->level)) { goto fail_unref; } if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container(&array_iter, &struct_iter)) { goto fail_unref; } } if (!dbus_message_iter_close_container(&iter, &array_iter)) { goto fail_unref; } return; fail_unref: dbus_message_unref(call_ptr->reply); call_ptr->reply = NULL; fail: log_error("Ran out of memory trying to construct method return"); } static void run_custom(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { dbus_bool_t terminal; const char * commandline; const char * name_param; uint8_t level; char * name; char * name_buffer; size_t len; char * end; unsigned int index; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; if (!dbus_message_get_args( call_ptr->message, &g_dbus_error, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &terminal, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &commandline, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name_param, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &level, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to method \"%s\": %s", call_ptr->method_name, g_dbus_error.message); dbus_error_free(&g_dbus_error); return; } log_info("run_custom('%s', %s, '%s', %"PRIu8") called", name_param, terminal ? "terminal" : "shell", commandline, level); if (*name_param) { /* allocate and copy app name */ len = strlen(name_param); name_buffer = malloc(len + 100); if (name_buffer == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "malloc of app name failed"); return; } name = name_buffer; strcpy(name, name_param); end = name + len; } else { /* allocate app name */ len = strlen(commandline) + 100; name_buffer = malloc(len); if (name_buffer == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "malloc of app name failed"); return; } strcpy(name_buffer, commandline); /* use first word as name */ end = name_buffer; while (*end) { if (isspace(*end)) { *end = 0; break; } end++; } name = strrchr(name_buffer, '/'); if (name == NULL) { name = name_buffer; } else { name++; } } /* make the app name unique */ index = 2; while (ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_name(supervisor_ptr, name) != NULL) { sprintf(end, "-%u", index); index++; } app_ptr = add_app_internal(supervisor_ptr, name, commandline, terminal, true, level); free(name_buffer); if (app_ptr == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "add_app_internal() failed"); return; } if (studio_is_started()) { if (!loader_execute(supervisor_ptr->name, app_ptr->name, "/", terminal, commandline, &app_ptr->pid)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "Execution of '%s' failed", commandline); remove_app_internal(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); return; } log_info("%s pid is %lu", app_ptr->name, (unsigned long)app_ptr->pid); emit_app_state_changed(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); } method_return_new_void(call_ptr); } static void start_app(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { uint64_t id; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; if (!dbus_message_get_args( call_ptr->message, &g_dbus_error, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &id, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to method \"%s\": %s", call_ptr->method_name, g_dbus_error.message); dbus_error_free(&g_dbus_error); return; } app_ptr = ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_id(supervisor_ptr, id); if (app_ptr == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App with ID %"PRIu64" not found", id); return; } if (app_ptr->pid != 0) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App %s is already running", app_ptr->name); return; } app_ptr->zombie = false; if (!loader_execute(supervisor_ptr->name, app_ptr->name, "/", app_ptr->terminal, app_ptr->commandline, &app_ptr->pid)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "Execution of '%s' failed", app_ptr->commandline); return; } emit_app_state_changed(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); log_info("%s pid is %lu", app_ptr->name, (unsigned long)app_ptr->pid); method_return_new_void(call_ptr); } static void stop_app(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { uint64_t id; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; if (!dbus_message_get_args( call_ptr->message, &g_dbus_error, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &id, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to method \"%s\": %s", call_ptr->method_name, g_dbus_error.message); dbus_error_free(&g_dbus_error); return; } app_ptr = ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_id(supervisor_ptr, id); if (app_ptr == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App with ID %"PRIu64" not found", id); return; } if (app_ptr->pid == 0) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App %s is not running", app_ptr->name); return; } kill(app_ptr->pid, SIGTERM); method_return_new_void(call_ptr); } static void kill_app(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { uint64_t id; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; if (!dbus_message_get_args( call_ptr->message, &g_dbus_error, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &id, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to method \"%s\": %s", call_ptr->method_name, g_dbus_error.message); dbus_error_free(&g_dbus_error); return; } app_ptr = ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_id(supervisor_ptr, id); if (app_ptr == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App with ID %"PRIu64" not found", id); return; } if (app_ptr->pid == 0) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App %s is not running", app_ptr->name); return; } kill(app_ptr->pid, SIGKILL); method_return_new_void(call_ptr); } static void get_app_properties(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { uint64_t id; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; dbus_bool_t running; dbus_bool_t terminal; if (!dbus_message_get_args( call_ptr->message, &g_dbus_error, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &id, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to method \"%s\": %s", call_ptr->method_name, g_dbus_error.message); dbus_error_free(&g_dbus_error); return; } app_ptr = ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_id(supervisor_ptr, id); if (app_ptr == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App with ID %"PRIu64" not found", id); return; } running = app_ptr->pid != 0; terminal = app_ptr->terminal; call_ptr->reply = dbus_message_new_method_return(call_ptr->message); if (call_ptr->reply == NULL) { goto fail; } if (!dbus_message_append_args( call_ptr->reply, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &app_ptr->name, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &app_ptr->commandline, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &running, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &terminal, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &app_ptr->level, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { goto fail_unref; } return; fail_unref: dbus_message_unref(call_ptr->reply); call_ptr->reply = NULL; fail: log_error("Ran out of memory trying to construct method return"); } static void set_app_properties(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { uint64_t id; dbus_bool_t terminal; const char * name; const char * commandline; uint8_t level; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; char * name_buffer; char * commandline_buffer; if (!dbus_message_get_args( call_ptr->message, &g_dbus_error, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &id, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &name, DBUS_TYPE_STRING, &commandline, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &terminal, DBUS_TYPE_BYTE, &level, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to method \"%s\": %s", call_ptr->method_name, g_dbus_error.message); dbus_error_free(&g_dbus_error); return; } app_ptr = ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_id(supervisor_ptr, id); if (app_ptr == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App with ID %"PRIu64" not found", id); return; } if (app_ptr->pid != 0 && strcmp(commandline, app_ptr->commandline) != 0) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "Cannot change commandline when app is running. '%s' -> '%s'", app_ptr->commandline, commandline); return; } if (app_ptr->pid != 0 && ((app_ptr->terminal && !terminal) || (!app_ptr->terminal && terminal))) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "Cannot change whether to run in terminal when app is running"); return; } if (app_ptr->pid != 0 && app_ptr->level != level) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "Cannot change app level when app is running"); return; } if (strcmp(commandline, app_ptr->commandline) != 0) { commandline_buffer = strdup(commandline); if (commandline_buffer == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "strdup() failed for app commandline"); return; } } else { commandline_buffer = NULL; } if (strcmp(name, app_ptr->name) != 0) { name_buffer = strdup(name); if (name_buffer == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_GENERIC, "strdup() failed for app nam"); if (commandline_buffer != NULL) { free(commandline_buffer); } return; } } else { name_buffer = NULL; } if (name_buffer != NULL) { supervisor_ptr->on_app_renamed(supervisor_ptr->on_app_renamed_context, app_ptr->name, name_buffer); free(app_ptr->name); app_ptr->name = name_buffer; } if (commandline_buffer != NULL) { free(app_ptr->commandline); app_ptr->commandline = commandline_buffer; } app_ptr->level = level; app_ptr->terminal = terminal; emit_app_state_changed(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); method_return_new_void(call_ptr); } static void remove_app(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { uint64_t id; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; if (!dbus_message_get_args( call_ptr->message, &g_dbus_error, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &id, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to method \"%s\": %s", call_ptr->method_name, g_dbus_error.message); dbus_error_free(&g_dbus_error); return; } app_ptr = ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_id(supervisor_ptr, id); if (app_ptr == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App with ID %"PRIu64" not found", id); return; } if (app_ptr->pid != 0) { app_ptr->zombie = true; kill(app_ptr->pid, SIGTERM); } else { remove_app_internal(supervisor_ptr, app_ptr); } method_return_new_void(call_ptr); } static void is_app_running(struct dbus_method_call * call_ptr) { uint64_t id; struct ladish_app * app_ptr; dbus_bool_t running; if (!dbus_message_get_args( call_ptr->message, &g_dbus_error, DBUS_TYPE_UINT64, &id, DBUS_TYPE_INVALID)) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to method \"%s\": %s", call_ptr->method_name, g_dbus_error.message); dbus_error_free(&g_dbus_error); return; } app_ptr = ladish_app_supervisor_find_app_by_id(supervisor_ptr, id); if (app_ptr == NULL) { lash_dbus_error(call_ptr, LASH_DBUS_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS, "App with ID %"PRIu64" not found", id); return; } running = app_ptr->pid != 0; method_return_new_single(call_ptr, DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN, &running); } #undef supervisor_ptr METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(GetAll, "Get list of apps") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_OUT("list_version", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "Version of the list") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_OUT("apps_list", "a(tsbby)", "List of apps") METHOD_ARGS_END METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(RunCustom, "Start application by supplying commandline") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("terminal", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "Whether to run in terminal") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("commandline", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, "Commandline") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("name", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, "Name") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("level", DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING, "Level") METHOD_ARGS_END METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(StartApp, "Start application") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "id of app") METHOD_ARGS_END METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(StopApp, "Stop application") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "id of app") METHOD_ARGS_END METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(KillApp, "Kill application") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "id of app") METHOD_ARGS_END METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(RemoveApp, "Remove application") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "id of app") METHOD_ARGS_END METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(GetAppProperties, "Get properties of an application") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "id of app") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_OUT("name", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, "") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_OUT("commandline", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, "Commandline") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_OUT("running", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_OUT("terminal", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "Whether to run in terminal") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_OUT("level", DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING, "Level") METHOD_ARGS_END METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(SetAppProperties, "Set properties of an application") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "id of app") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("name", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, "") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("commandline", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, "Commandline") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("terminal", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "Whether to run in terminal") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("level", DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING, "Level") METHOD_ARGS_END METHOD_ARGS_BEGIN(IsAppRunning, "Check whether application is running") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "id of app") METHOD_ARG_DESCRIBE_IN("terminal", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "Whether app is running") METHOD_ARGS_END METHODS_BEGIN METHOD_DESCRIBE(GetAll, get_all) METHOD_DESCRIBE(RunCustom, run_custom) METHOD_DESCRIBE(StartApp, start_app) METHOD_DESCRIBE(StopApp, stop_app) METHOD_DESCRIBE(KillApp, kill_app) METHOD_DESCRIBE(GetAppProperties, get_app_properties) METHOD_DESCRIBE(SetAppProperties, set_app_properties) METHOD_DESCRIBE(RemoveApp, remove_app) METHOD_DESCRIBE(IsAppRunning, is_app_running) METHODS_END SIGNAL_ARGS_BEGIN(AppAdded, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("new_list_version", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("name", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("running", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("terminal", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "Whether to run in terminal") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("level", DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING, "Level") SIGNAL_ARGS_END SIGNAL_ARGS_BEGIN(AppRemoved, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("new_list_version", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARGS_END SIGNAL_ARGS_BEGIN(AppStateChanged, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("id", DBUS_TYPE_UINT64_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("name", DBUS_TYPE_STRING_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("running", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("terminal", DBUS_TYPE_BOOLEAN_AS_STRING, "Whether to run in terminal") SIGNAL_ARG_DESCRIBE("level", DBUS_TYPE_BYTE_AS_STRING, "Level") SIGNAL_ARGS_END SIGNALS_BEGIN SIGNAL_DESCRIBE(AppAdded) SIGNAL_DESCRIBE(AppRemoved) SIGNAL_DESCRIBE(AppStateChanged) SIGNALS_END INTERFACE_BEGIN(g_iface_app_supervisor, IFACE_APP_SUPERVISOR) INTERFACE_DEFAULT_HANDLER INTERFACE_EXPOSE_METHODS INTERFACE_EXPOSE_SIGNALS INTERFACE_END