= Version 1.2 on 20XX-XX-XX = * Apply downstream patches from FreeBSD * meson: Fix project license field (MIT->GPL-2.0-only) * meson: Fix version.h when building from tarball = Version 1.1 on 2023-11-26 = * waf: Add a script to generate an unpacked instance of the waf all-in-one blob. (by Alessio Treglia) http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=654469 * liblash: Fix small misspellings (by Alessio Treglia) * Default the name of configuration tool to "ladi-control-center", instead of the older "ladiconf" (by Alessio Treglia) * gladish: embed flowcanvas-0.7.1 * fixes of compiler warnings * ladishd: last-rite stdout/stderr output of child subprocesses is not ignored anymore. * ladishd: Fix logging from child processes * ladishd/loader: add includes for getrlimit (build fix) * ladish: Don't notify user about unexpectedly stopped apps that returned 0 exit code. Fixes #197 (from old ladish.org trac instance). The exit code detection for apps ran in terminal is/was not working, at least with xterm. xterm doesnt seem to be able to return exit code of its child process. * ladishd: preload libasound.so.2 instead of libasound.so (by falkTX) * ladishd: fix double free in malloc failure handling code path * ladicore: fix potential access of NULL pointer in catdup * proxies: add assert to disable complain from clang static analyzer * ladishd/rooms: Fix uses of unintialized memory * daemon/room-save: Actually handle project directory existence-check/creation failures. * proxies: Remove useless assignment pointed by clang static analizer * ladishd: Fix memory leak on procfs read() failure * ladishd/loader: Fix use of uninitialized memory in chdir() failure handling code path. * ladicore: Fix memory leak on procfs read() failure * ladishd: Improve assert and fix clang static analyzer report * ladishd: Fix undefined return value in case of error (on studio save) * ladishd/virtualizer: Don't set garbge pid to ports (either new or existing ones). * ladishd/virtualizer: Fix memory leak when a2j mapping fails * gladish: Fix error checks in graph canvas code * gladish: Improved handling of failure to get studio name * gladish: Fix memory leak in strdup() failure handling code path * ladishd/rooms: Fix memory leak in strdup() failure handling code path * gladish: Fix memory leak when separator is added to dynmenu; check for allocation failure otherwise. * gladish/flowcanvas: Comment out useless code in flowcanvas and make the clang static analyzer happy. * Fix formatting errors in log calls * Remove (useless) ifdefs for LADISH_DEBUG * Improved logging, runtime, take advantage of gcc printf format checks. * enable extra compiler warnings and fix the the code * ladishd/loader: add license header text to source file * gladish: quit on ctrl-q * liblash: Install lash include files into /usr/include/lash-1.0/ instead of /usr/include/lash/, so to match the lash-0.5.4 and lash-0.6.0~rc2 layout. * ladishd: switch from sigsegv to siginfo (optional and disabled by default) * Fix doxygen warnings * waf: add --libdir option (by Goran Mekić) * gladish: don't crash when unable connect to dbus * ladishd: Fix GetAllPorts D-Bus method declaration (by Markus Kitsinger) * ladish_control: py3 compatibility * ladishd: Fix implicit fallthrough warning with gcc 9.3.0 * Apply patch (from openSUSE) for python3 compatibility * ladishd: Fix for -Werror=restrict * gladish: Adjust load project dialog for newer gtk2 versions * meson.build files (by Max Audron) * waf: Disable -Werror * waf: Upgrade to 2.0.26 * Remove all git sumodules * gladish.desktop: use Engeneering category (good suggestion by Dominique Michel) * waf: add --docdir option and change the default to PREFIX/share/doc/ladish/ * waf: new configure option, --enable-gladish (and disable gladish build by default) * Merge ladish.org index.adoc and README into README.adoc * waf: *prepend* CFLAGS and LINKFLAGS (give priority to distro flags) * ladishd: Don't set LADISH env vars for L0 & L1 * gladish: Fix build with recent version of dbus-glib * waf: Install gladish related files only when gladish build is enabled * waf: always put the short sha1 in the ladish tarball name = Version 1 on 2011-12-19 = * vgraph manipulation * lash support * jack-session support = Version 0.3 "preview 3" on 2011-01-10 = * Hardware port virtualization / rooms * Visual notifications about errors and studio/project state changes * ladish specific settings * lists of recently used studios and projects * connections of stopped apps are persisted * a2j ports are now clearly marked on gladish canvas * app start/stop by double clicking in the app list * you can save a text comment and description as part of the project * Russian, French and German l10n of gladish = Version 0.2 "preview 2" on 2009-12-29 = * Persist canvas box positions * Save/restore connections * Launch new applications (level 0 and level 1) * Save/restore applications as part of studio * Handle external JACK clients * a2jmidid support = Version 0.1 "preview 1" on 2009-09-01 = * JACK multiconfig (Save/restore jack settings by saving and then loading and activating studios)