=================================================== Requirements (tools, headers and libraries): * You need gcc for C and C++ (4.2.2 should work) * You need dbus (1.2.16 should work) * You need libuuid from e2fsprogs (1.40.2 should work) * You need the expat XML parser (2.0.1 should work) * Python (for ladish_control and LADI Tools) Optional requirements, without them GUI frontend will not be built: * You need glib (2.20.3 should work) * You need dbus-glib (0.74 should work) * You need gtk+ (2.12.1 should work) * You need libglade (2.6.2 should work) * You need flowcanvas (svn revision 2186 or later should work, included in tarball) =================================================== The tarball contains sources for suitable flowcanvas library and sources of suitable LADI Tools. Check the docs in corresponding flowcanvas/ and laditools/ subdirectories. =================================================== = Configure it = ./waf configure This will configure for installation to /usr/local prefix. If you want to use other prefix, use --prefix option: ./waf configure --prefix=/usr For full list of options, run: ./waf configure --help = Build it = ./waf You can use -j option to enable building on more than one CPU: ./waf -j 4 = Install it = ./waf install You probably want to run later as superuser to install system-wide