
234 lines
5.4 KiB

// gcc -o jack_midi_dump -Wall midi_dump.c -ljack -pthread
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <jack/jack.h>
#include <jack/midiport.h>
#include <jack/ringbuffer.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#include <pthread.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <signal.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
static jack_port_t* port;
static jack_ringbuffer_t *rb = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t msg_thread_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
static pthread_cond_t data_ready = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
static int keeprunning = 1;
static uint64_t monotonic_cnt = 0;
#define RBSIZE 100
#define MSG_BUFFER_SIZE 4096
typedef struct {
uint8_t buffer[MSG_BUFFER_SIZE];
uint32_t size;
uint32_t tme_rel;
uint64_t tme_mon;
} midimsg;
static void
describe (midimsg* event)
if (event->size == 0) {
uint8_t type = event->buffer[0] & 0xf0;
uint8_t channel = event->buffer[0] & 0xf;
switch (type) {
case 0x90:
assert (event->size == 3);
printf (" note on (channel %2d): pitch %3d, velocity %3d", channel, event->buffer[1], event->buffer[2]);
case 0x80:
assert (event->size == 3);
printf (" note off (channel %2d): pitch %3d, velocity %3d", channel, event->buffer[1], event->buffer[2]);
case 0xb0:
assert (event->size == 3);
printf (" control change (channel %2d): controller %3d, value %3d", channel, event->buffer[1], event->buffer[2]);
process (jack_nframes_t frames, void* arg)
void* buffer;
jack_nframes_t N;
jack_nframes_t i;
buffer = jack_port_get_buffer (port, frames);
assert (buffer);
N = jack_midi_get_event_count (buffer);
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
jack_midi_event_t event;
int r;
r = jack_midi_event_get (&event, buffer, i);
if (r != 0) {continue;}
if (event.size > MSG_BUFFER_SIZE) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: MIDI message was too large, skipping event. Max. allowed size: %d bytes\n", MSG_BUFFER_SIZE);
else if (jack_ringbuffer_write_space (rb) >= sizeof(midimsg)) {
midimsg m;
m.tme_mon = monotonic_cnt;
m.tme_rel = event.time;
m.size = event.size;
memcpy (m.buffer, event.buffer, event.size);
jack_ringbuffer_write (rb, (void *) &m, sizeof(midimsg));
else {
fprintf (stderr, "Error: ringbuffer was full, skipping event.\n");
monotonic_cnt += frames;
if (pthread_mutex_trylock (&msg_thread_lock) == 0) {
pthread_cond_signal (&data_ready);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&msg_thread_lock);
return 0;
static void wearedone(int sig) {
fprintf(stderr, "Shutting down\n");
keeprunning = 0;
static void usage (int status) {
printf ("jack_midi_dump - JACK MIDI Monitor.\n\n");
printf ("Usage: jack_midi_dump [ OPTIONS ] [CLIENT-NAME]\n\n");
printf ("Options:\n\
-a use absolute timestamps relative to application start\n\
-h display this help and exit\n\
-r use relative timestamps to previous MIDI event\n\
printf ("\n\
This tool listens for MIDI events on a JACK MIDI port and prints\n\
the message to stdout.\n\
If no client name is given it defaults to 'midi-monitor'.\n\
See also: jackd(1)\n\
exit (status);
main (int argc, char* argv[])
jack_client_t* client;
char const default_name[] = "midi-monitor";
char const * client_name;
int time_format = 0;
int r;
int cn = 1;
if (argc > 1) {
if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-a")) { time_format = 1; cn = 2; }
else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-r")) { time_format = 2; cn = 2; }
else if (!strcmp (argv[1], "-h")) { usage (EXIT_SUCCESS); }
else if (argv[1][0] == '-') { usage (EXIT_FAILURE); }
if (argc > cn) {
client_name = argv[cn];
} else {
client_name = default_name;
client = jack_client_open (client_name, JackNullOption, NULL);
if (client == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "Could not create JACK client.\n");
rb = jack_ringbuffer_create (RBSIZE * sizeof(midimsg));
jack_set_process_callback (client, process, 0);
port = jack_port_register (client, "input", JACK_DEFAULT_MIDI_TYPE, JackPortIsInput, 0);
if (port == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "Could not register port.\n");
#ifndef WIN32
if (mlockall (MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE)) {
fprintf (stderr, "Warning: Can not lock memory.\n");
r = jack_activate (client);
if (r != 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Could not activate client.\n");
#ifndef WIN32
signal(SIGHUP, wearedone);
signal(SIGINT, wearedone);
pthread_mutex_lock (&msg_thread_lock);
uint64_t prev_event = 0;
while (keeprunning) {
const int mqlen = jack_ringbuffer_read_space (rb) / sizeof(midimsg);
int i;
for (i=0; i < mqlen; ++i) {
size_t j;
midimsg m;
jack_ringbuffer_read(rb, (char*) &m, sizeof(midimsg));
switch(time_format) {
case 1:
printf ("%7"PRId64":", m.tme_rel + m.tme_mon);
case 2:
printf ("%+6"PRId64":", m.tme_rel + m.tme_mon - prev_event);
printf ("%4d:", m.tme_rel);
for (j = 0; j < m.size && j < sizeof(m.buffer); ++j) {
printf (" %02x", m.buffer[j]);
describe (&m);
prev_event = m.tme_rel + m.tme_mon;
fflush (stdout);
pthread_cond_wait (&data_ready, &msg_thread_lock);
pthread_mutex_unlock (&msg_thread_lock);
jack_deactivate (client);
jack_client_close (client);
jack_ringbuffer_free (rb);
return 0;