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* DISTRHO Cardinal Plugin
* Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
* the License, or any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the LICENSE file.
* This file is an edited version of VCVRack's app/MenuBar.cpp
* Copyright (C) 2016-2021 VCV.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
#include <app/MenuBar.hpp>
#include <app/TipWindow.hpp>
#include <widget/OpaqueWidget.hpp>
#include <ui/Button.hpp>
#include <ui/MenuItem.hpp>
#include <ui/MenuSeparator.hpp>
#include <ui/SequentialLayout.hpp>
#include <ui/Slider.hpp>
#include <ui/TextField.hpp>
#include <ui/ProgressBar.hpp>
#include <ui/Label.hpp>
#include <engine/Engine.hpp>
#include <window/Window.hpp>
#include <asset.hpp>
#include <context.hpp>
#include <settings.hpp>
#include <helpers.hpp>
#include <system.hpp>
#include <plugin.hpp>
#include <patch.hpp>
#include <library.hpp>
# include <lo/lo.h>
#include "../CardinalCommon.hpp"
namespace rack {
namespace app {
namespace menuBar {
struct MenuButton : ui::Button {
void step() override {
box.size.x = bndLabelWidth(APP->window->vg, -1, text.c_str()) + 1.0;
void draw(const DrawArgs& args) override {
BNDwidgetState state = BND_DEFAULT;
if (APP->event->hoveredWidget == this)
state = BND_HOVER;
if (APP->event->draggedWidget == this)
state = BND_ACTIVE;
bndMenuItem(args.vg, 0.0, 0.0, box.size.x, box.size.y, state, -1, text.c_str());
// File
struct FileButton : MenuButton {
const bool isStandalone;
FileButton(const bool standalone)
: MenuButton(), isStandalone(standalone) {}
void onAction(const ActionEvent& e) override {
ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
menu->cornerFlags = BND_CORNER_TOP;
menu->box.pos = getAbsoluteOffset(math::Vec(0, box.size.y));
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("New", RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+N", []() {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Open / Import...", RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+O", []() {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Save", RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+S", []() {
// NOTE: will do nothing if path is empty, intentionally
}, APP->patch->path.empty()));
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Save as / Export...", RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+Shift+S", []() {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Export uncompressed json...", "", []() {
if (patchUtils::isRemoteConnected()) {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Deploy to MOD", "F7", []() {
const bool autoDeploy = patchUtils::isRemoteAutoDeployed();
menu->addChild(createCheckMenuItem("Auto deploy to MOD", "",
[=]() {return autoDeploy;},
[=]() {patchUtils::setRemoteAutoDeploy(!autoDeploy);}
} else {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Connect to MOD", "", []() {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Revert", RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+" RACK_MOD_SHIFT_NAME "+O", []() {
}, APP->patch->path.empty()));
menu->addChild(new ui::MenuSeparator);
// Load selection
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Import selection", "", [=]() {
}, false, true));
if (isStandalone) {
menu->addChild(new ui::MenuSeparator);
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Quit", RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+Q", []() {
// Edit
struct EditButton : MenuButton {
void onAction(const ActionEvent& e) override {
ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
menu->cornerFlags = BND_CORNER_TOP;
menu->box.pos = getAbsoluteOffset(math::Vec(0, box.size.y));
struct UndoItem : ui::MenuItem {
void step() override {
text = "Undo " + APP->history->getUndoName();
disabled = !APP->history->canUndo();
void onAction(const ActionEvent& e) override {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem<UndoItem>("", RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+Z"));
struct RedoItem : ui::MenuItem {
void step() override {
text = "Redo " + APP->history->getRedoName();
disabled = !APP->history->canRedo();
void onAction(const ActionEvent& e) override {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem<RedoItem>("", RACK_MOD_CTRL_NAME "+" RACK_MOD_SHIFT_NAME "+Z"));
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Clear cables", "", [=]() {
menu->addChild(new ui::MenuSeparator);
// View
struct ZoomQuantity : Quantity {
void setValue(float value) override {
APP->scene->rackScroll->setZoom(std::pow(2.f, value));
float getValue() override {
return std::log2(APP->scene->rackScroll->getZoom());
float getMinValue() override {
return -2.f;
float getMaxValue() override {
return 2.f;
float getDefaultValue() override {
return 0.0;
float getDisplayValue() override {
return std::round(std::pow(2.f, getValue()) * 100);
void setDisplayValue(float displayValue) override {
setValue(std::log2(displayValue / 100));
std::string getLabel() override {
return "Zoom";
std::string getUnit() override {
return "%";
struct ZoomSlider : ui::Slider {
ZoomSlider() {
quantity = new ZoomQuantity;
~ZoomSlider() {
delete quantity;
struct CableOpacityQuantity : Quantity {
void setValue(float value) override {
settings::cableOpacity = math::clamp(value, getMinValue(), getMaxValue());
float getValue() override {
return settings::cableOpacity;
float getDefaultValue() override {
return 0.5;
float getDisplayValue() override {
return getValue() * 100;
void setDisplayValue(float displayValue) override {
setValue(displayValue / 100);
std::string getLabel() override {
return "Cable opacity";
std::string getUnit() override {
return "%";
struct CableOpacitySlider : ui::Slider {
CableOpacitySlider() {
quantity = new CableOpacityQuantity;
~CableOpacitySlider() {
delete quantity;
struct CableTensionQuantity : Quantity {
void setValue(float value) override {
settings::cableTension = math::clamp(value, getMinValue(), getMaxValue());
float getValue() override {
return settings::cableTension;
float getDefaultValue() override {
return 0.75;
float getDisplayValue() override {
return getValue() * 100;
void setDisplayValue(float displayValue) override {
setValue(displayValue / 100);
std::string getLabel() override {
return "Cable tension";
std::string getUnit() override {
return "%";
struct CableTensionSlider : ui::Slider {
CableTensionSlider() {
quantity = new CableTensionQuantity;
~CableTensionSlider() {
delete quantity;
struct RackBrightnessQuantity : Quantity {
void setValue(float value) override {
settings::rackBrightness = math::clamp(value, getMinValue(), getMaxValue());
float getValue() override {
return settings::rackBrightness;
float getDefaultValue() override {
return 1.0;
float getDisplayValue() override {
return getValue() * 100;
void setDisplayValue(float displayValue) override {
setValue(displayValue / 100);
std::string getUnit() override {
return "%";
std::string getLabel() override {
return "Room brightness";
int getDisplayPrecision() override {
return 3;
struct RackBrightnessSlider : ui::Slider {
RackBrightnessSlider() {
quantity = new RackBrightnessQuantity;
~RackBrightnessSlider() {
delete quantity;
struct HaloBrightnessQuantity : Quantity {
void setValue(float value) override {
settings::haloBrightness = math::clamp(value, getMinValue(), getMaxValue());
float getValue() override {
return settings::haloBrightness;
float getDefaultValue() override {
return 0.25;
float getDisplayValue() override {
return getValue() * 100;
void setDisplayValue(float displayValue) override {
setValue(displayValue / 100);
std::string getUnit() override {
return "%";
std::string getLabel() override {
return "Light bloom";
int getDisplayPrecision() override {
return 3;
struct HaloBrightnessSlider : ui::Slider {
HaloBrightnessSlider() {
quantity = new HaloBrightnessQuantity;
~HaloBrightnessSlider() {
delete quantity;
struct KnobScrollSensitivityQuantity : Quantity {
void setValue(float value) override {
value = math::clamp(value, getMinValue(), getMaxValue());
settings::knobScrollSensitivity = std::pow(2.f, value);
float getValue() override {
return std::log2(settings::knobScrollSensitivity);
float getMinValue() override {
return std::log2(1e-4f);
float getMaxValue() override {
return std::log2(1e-2f);
float getDefaultValue() override {
return std::log2(1e-3f);
float getDisplayValue() override {
return std::pow(2.f, getValue() - getDefaultValue());
void setDisplayValue(float displayValue) override {
setValue(std::log2(displayValue) + getDefaultValue());
std::string getLabel() override {
return "Scroll wheel knob sensitivity";
int getDisplayPrecision() override {
return 2;
struct KnobScrollSensitivitySlider : ui::Slider {
KnobScrollSensitivitySlider() {
quantity = new KnobScrollSensitivityQuantity;
~KnobScrollSensitivitySlider() {
delete quantity;
struct ViewButton : MenuButton {
void onAction(const ActionEvent& e) override {
ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
menu->cornerFlags = BND_CORNER_TOP;
menu->box.pos = getAbsoluteOffset(math::Vec(0, box.size.y));
menu->addChild(createBoolPtrMenuItem("Show tooltips", "", &settings::tooltips));
ZoomSlider* zoomSlider = new ZoomSlider;
zoomSlider->box.size.x = 250.0;
CableOpacitySlider* cableOpacitySlider = new CableOpacitySlider;
cableOpacitySlider->box.size.x = 250.0;
CableTensionSlider* cableTensionSlider = new CableTensionSlider;
cableTensionSlider->box.size.x = 250.0;
RackBrightnessSlider* rackBrightnessSlider = new RackBrightnessSlider;
rackBrightnessSlider->box.size.x = 250.0;
HaloBrightnessSlider* haloBrightnessSlider = new HaloBrightnessSlider;
haloBrightnessSlider->box.size.x = 250.0;
menu->addChild(new ui::MenuSeparator);
// menu->addChild(createBoolPtrMenuItem("Hide cursor while dragging", "", &settings::allowCursorLock));
static const std::vector<std::string> knobModeLabels = {
"Scaled linear",
"Absolute rotary",
"Relative rotary",
static const std::vector<int> knobModes = {0, 2, 3};
menu->addChild(createSubmenuItem("Knob mode", knobModeLabels[settings::knobMode], [=](ui::Menu* menu) {
for (int knobMode : knobModes) {
menu->addChild(createCheckMenuItem(knobModeLabels[knobMode], "",
[=]() {return settings::knobMode == knobMode;},
[=]() {settings::knobMode = (settings::KnobMode) knobMode;}
menu->addChild(createBoolPtrMenuItem("Scroll wheel knob control", "", &settings::knobScroll));
KnobScrollSensitivitySlider* knobScrollSensitivitySlider = new KnobScrollSensitivitySlider;
knobScrollSensitivitySlider->box.size.x = 250.0;
menu->addChild(createBoolPtrMenuItem("Lock module positions", "", &settings::lockModules));
menu->addChild(new ui::MenuSeparator);
static const std::vector<std::string> rateLimitLabels = {
static const std::vector<int> rateLimits = {0, 1, 2};
menu->addChild(createSubmenuItem("Update rate limit", rateLimitLabels[settings::rateLimit], [=](ui::Menu* menu) {
for (int rateLimit : rateLimits) {
menu->addChild(createCheckMenuItem(rateLimitLabels[rateLimit], "",
[=]() {return settings::rateLimit == rateLimit;},
[=]() {settings::rateLimit = rateLimit;}
// Engine
struct EngineButton : MenuButton {
void onAction(const ActionEvent& e) override {
ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
menu->cornerFlags = BND_CORNER_TOP;
menu->box.pos = getAbsoluteOffset(math::Vec(0, box.size.y));
std::string cpuMeterText = "F3";
if (settings::cpuMeter)
cpuMeterText += " " CHECKMARK_STRING;
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Performance meters", cpuMeterText, [=]() {
settings::cpuMeter ^= true;
// Help
struct HelpButton : MenuButton {
void onAction(const ActionEvent& e) override {
ui::Menu* menu = createMenu();
menu->cornerFlags = BND_CORNER_TOP;
menu->box.pos = getAbsoluteOffset(math::Vec(0, box.size.y));
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Rack User manual", "F1", [=]() {
menu->addChild(createMenuItem("Cardinal Project page", "", [=]() {
menu->addChild(new ui::MenuSeparator);
menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("Cardinal " + APP_EDITION + " " + CARDINAL_VERSION));
menu->addChild(createMenuLabel("Rack " + APP_VERSION + " Compatible"));
// MenuBar
struct MeterLabel : ui::Label {
int frameIndex = 0;
double frameDurationTotal = 0.0;
double frameDurationAvg = 0.0;
double uiLastTime = 0.0;
double uiLastThreadTime = 0.0;
double uiFrac = 0.0;
void step() override {
// Compute frame rate
double frameDuration = APP->window->getLastFrameDuration();
frameDurationTotal += frameDuration;
if (frameDurationTotal >= 1.0) {
frameDurationAvg = frameDurationTotal / frameIndex;
frameDurationTotal = 0.0;
frameIndex = 0;
// Compute UI thread CPU
// double time = system::getTime();
// double uiDuration = time - uiLastTime;
// if (uiDuration >= 1.0) {
// double threadTime = system::getThreadTime();
// uiFrac = (threadTime - uiLastThreadTime) / uiDuration;
// uiLastThreadTime = threadTime;
// uiLastTime = time;
// }
double meterAverage = APP->engine->getMeterAverage();
double meterMax = APP->engine->getMeterMax();
text = string::f("%.1f fps %.1f%% avg %.1f%% max", 1.0 / frameDurationAvg, meterAverage * 100, meterMax * 100);
struct MenuBar : widget::OpaqueWidget {
MeterLabel* meterLabel;
MenuBar(const bool isStandalone)
: widget::OpaqueWidget()
const float margin = 5;
box.size.y = BND_WIDGET_HEIGHT + 2 * margin;
ui::SequentialLayout* layout = new ui::SequentialLayout;
layout->margin = math::Vec(margin, margin);
layout->spacing = math::Vec(0, 0);
FileButton* fileButton = new FileButton(isStandalone);
fileButton->text = "File";
EditButton* editButton = new EditButton;
editButton->text = "Edit";
ViewButton* viewButton = new ViewButton;
viewButton->text = "View";
EngineButton* engineButton = new EngineButton;
engineButton->text = "Engine";
HelpButton* helpButton = new HelpButton;
helpButton->text = "Help";
// ui::Label* titleLabel = new ui::Label;
// titleLabel->color.a = 0.5;
// layout->addChild(titleLabel);
meterLabel = new MeterLabel;
meterLabel->box.pos.y = margin;
meterLabel->box.size.x = 300;
meterLabel->alignment = ui::Label::RIGHT_ALIGNMENT;
meterLabel->color.a = 0.5;
void draw(const DrawArgs& args) override {
bndMenuBackground(args.vg, 0.0, 0.0, box.size.x, box.size.y, BND_CORNER_ALL);
bndBevel(args.vg, 0.0, 0.0, box.size.x, box.size.y);
void step() override {
meterLabel->box.pos.x = box.size.x - meterLabel->box.size.x - 5;
} // namespace menuBar
widget::Widget* createMenuBar() {
return new widget::Widget;
widget::Widget* createMenuBar(const bool isStandalone) {
menuBar::MenuBar* menuBar = new menuBar::MenuBar(isStandalone);
return menuBar;
} // namespace app
} // namespace rack