
628 lines
81 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Package database
generic_audio_icon = "audio-x-generic"
generic_midi_icon = "audio-midi"
LEVEL_0 = "Lv. 0"
LEVEL_1 = "Lv. 1"
LEVEL_JS = "JACK-Session"
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# (L, D, L, V, VST-Mode, T, M, MIDI-Mode) -> (LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST, VST-Mode, Transport, MIDI, MIDI-Mode)
list_DAW = [
# Package AppName Type Binary Icon Template? Level (L, D, L, V, VST-Mode, T, M, MIDI-Mode) (doc-file, website)
[ "ardour", "Ardour 6", "DAW", "ardour", "/usr/share/pixmaps/ardour.svg", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, (1, 0, 1, 0, "Native", 1, 1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "ariamaestosa", "Aria Maestosa", "MIDI Sequencer", "Aria", "/usr/share/Aria/aria64.png", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "giada", "Giada", "Audio Looper", "giada", "giada", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, ""), ("", "") ],
[ "hydrogen", "Hydrogen", "Drum Sequencer", "hydrogen -d jack", "/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/org.hydrogenmusic.Hydrogen.svg", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_NSM, (1, 0, 0, 0, "", 1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("file:///usr/share/hydrogen/data/doc/manual_en.html", "") ],
[ "jacker", "Jacker", "MIDI Tracker", "jacker", "jacker", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 1, 1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "klystrack", "Klystrack", "Chiptune Tracker", "klystrack", "klystrack", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 0, "----"), ("", "") ],
[ "lmms", "LMMS", "DAW", "lmms", "lmms", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, 0, 1, "Windows", 0, 1, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "milkytracker", "MilkyTracker", "Tracker", "milkytracker", "milkytracker", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 1, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "muse", "MusE", "DAW", "muse", "muse_icon", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_0, (1, 1, 0, 1, "Native", 1, 1, "ALSA + JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "musescore3", "MuseScore 3", "MIDI Composer", "mscore3", "mscore3", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "non-sequencer", "Non-Sequencer", "MIDI Sequencer", "non-sequencer", "non-sequencer", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_NSM, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 1, 1, "JACK"), ("file:///usr/share/doc/non-sequencer/MANUAL.html", "") ],
[ "non-timeline", "Non-Timeline", "DAW", "non-timeline", "non-timeline", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_NSM, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 1, 0, "CV + OSC"), ("file:///usr/share/doc/non-timeline/MANUAL.html", "") ],
[ "protrekkr", "ProTrekkr", "Tracker", "protrekkr", "protrekkr", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 1, "", 0, 1, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "qtractor", "Qtractor", "DAW", "qtractor", "qtractor", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, 1, 1, "Native", 1, 1, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "rosegarden", "Rosegarden", "MIDI Sequencer", "rosegarden", "rosegarden", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, 0, 0, "", 1, 1, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "schism", "Schism", "Impulse Tracker clone", "schismtracker", "schism-icon-128", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 1, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "seq24", "Seq24", "MIDI Sequencer", "seq24", "seq24", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_1, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 1, 1, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "sooperlooper", "SooperLooper", "Audio Looper", "slgui", "sooperlooper", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "tutka", "Tutka", "MIDI Tracker", "tutka", "tutka", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 0, "", 0, 1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
iDAW_Package, iDAW_AppName, iDAW_Type, iDAW_Binary, iDAW_Icon, iDAW_Template, iDAW_Level, iDAW_Features, iDAW_Docs = range(0, len(list_DAW[0]))
# Jacker
list_DAW[4][iDAW_Level] = LEVEL_1
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Host
# (I, L, D, L, V, VST-Mode, MIDI-Mode) -> (Internal, LADSPA, DSSI, LV2, VST, VST-Mode, MIDI-Mode)
list_Host = [
# Package AppName Ins? FX? Binary Icon Template? Level (I, L, D, L, V, VST-Mode, MIDI-Mode) (doc-file, website)
[ "ams", "AlsaModularSynth", "Yes", "Yes", "ams", "ams_32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, "", "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "calf-plugins", "Calf Jack Host", "Yes", "Yes", "calfjackhost", "calf", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_1, (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "JACK"), ("file:///usr/share/doc/calf/index.html", "") ],
[ "calf-plugins-git", "Calf Jack Host (GIT)", "Yes", "Yes", "calfjackhost", "calf", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_1, (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "JACK"), ("file:///usr/share/doc/calf/index.html", "") ],
[ "carla", "Carla", "Yes", "Yes", "carla", "carla", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Both", "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "carla-git", "Carla (GIT)", "Yes", "Yes", "carla", "carla", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_NSM, (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Both", "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "festige", "FeSTige", "Yes", "Yes", "festige", "festige", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, "Windows", "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "ingen", "Ingen", "Yes", "Yes", "ingen -eg", "ingen", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, "", "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "jack-rack", "Jack Rack", "No", "Yes", "jack-rack", "/usr/share/pixmaps/jack-rack-icon.png", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_0, (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, "", "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "", "", "No", "No", "", "/usr/share/pixmaps/lv2.png", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, "", "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "mod-app", "MOD App", "Yes", "Yes", "mod-app", "mod", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, "", "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "spiralsynthmodular", "SpiralSynthModular", "Yes", "Yes", "spiralsynthmodular", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
iHost_Package, iHost_AppName, iHost_Ins, iHost_FX, iHost_Binary, iHost_Icon, iHost_Template, iHost_Level, iHost_Features, iDAW_Docs = range(0, len(list_Host[0]))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Instrument
# (F, I, MIDI-Mode) -> (Built-in FX, Audio Input, MIDI-Mode)
list_Instrument = [
# Package AppName Type Binary Icon Template? Level (F, I, MIDI-Mode) (doc-file, website)
[ "6pm", "6 PM", "Synth", "6pm", "6PM-icon", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "add64", "Add64", "Synth", "Add64", "add64", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "aeolus", "Aeolus", "Synth", "aeolus -J", "audio-x-generic", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "amsynth", "AmSynth", "Synth", "amsynth", "amsynth", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "azr3-jack", "AZR3", "Synth", "azr3", "/usr/share/pixmaps/azr3-jack.xpm", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "borderlands", "Borderlands", "Sampler", "Borderlands", "borderlands", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "coldgaze", "Coldgaze", "Synth", "microSynth", "coldgaze", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "cursynth", "cursynth", "Synth", "x-terminal-emulator -e cursynth", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "distrho-lv2", "Dexed", "Yamaha DX7 Emulator", "Dexed", "dexed", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "din", "DIN", "Musical Instrument", "din", "din", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "drumkv1", "Drumk-V1", "Drum Sampler", "drumkv1_jack", "drumkv1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_JS, (0, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "distrho-lv2", "DrumSynth", "Drum synth", "DrumSynth", "drumsynth", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "fabla", "Fabla", "Drum Sampler", "fabla", "fabla", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "fabla2", "Fabla 2", "Sampler", "fabla2", "fabla2", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "foo-yc20", "Foo YC20", "Organ Synth", "foo-yc20", "/usr/share/foo-yc20/graphics/icon.png", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "grandorgue", "GrandOrgue", "Grand Organ Sampler", "GrandOrgue", "/usr/share/pixmaps/GrandOrgue.png", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "helm", "Helm", "Synth", "helm", "helm_icon_128_1x", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "hexter", "Hexter", "Synth", "jack-dssi-host", "hexter", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "horgand", "Horgand", "Synth", "horgand", "horgand128", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "infamous-plugins", "Infamous Cellular Automaton Synth", "Synth", "infamous-casynth", "infamous-casynth", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "jsampler", "JSampler Fantasia", "Sampler", "jsampler-bin", "jsampler", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "ALSA + JACK"), ("file:///usr/share/kxstudio/docs/jsampler/jsampler.html", "") ],
[ "distrho-lv2", "Juce Demo Plugin", "Synth", "JuceDemoPlugin", "jucedemoplugin", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "dpf-plugins", "Kars", "Virtual Instrument", "Kars", "kars", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "dpf-plugins", "Nekobi", "Roland TB-303 Emulator", "Nekobi", "nekobi", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "distrho-lv2", "TAL Noize Mak3r", "Synth", "NoizeMak3r", "noizemak3r", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "distrho-lv2", "Obxd", "Ob-x, ob-xa & ob8 Emulators", "Obxd", "obxd", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "padthv1", "Padth-V1", "Synth", "padthv1_jack", "padthv1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, (0, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "petri-foo", "Petri-Foo", "Sampler", "petri-foo", "petri-foo", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, (0, 0, "ALSA + JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "phasex", "Phasex", "Synth", "phasex", "phasex", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 1, "ALSA"), ("file:///usr/share/phasex/help/", "") ],
[ "polyphone", "Polyphone", "Sampler", "polyphone", "polyphone", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "qsampler", "Qsampler", "Sampler", "qsampler", "qsampler", TEMPLATE_YES, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "ALSA + JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "qsynth", "Qsynth", "SoundFont Player", "qsynth -a jack -m jack", "qsynth", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "samplv1", "Sampl-V1", "Sampler", "samplv1_jack", "samplv1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, (0, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "setbfree", "SetBfree", "Organ Emulator", "setBfreeUI", "setBfree", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "sorcer", "Sorcer", "Polyphonic Synth", "sorcer", "sorcer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "spectmorph", "Spectmorph", "Morph Synth", "smjack", "smjack", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "stegosaurus", "Stegosaurus", "Analog Drum Synth", "stegosaurus", "stegosaurus", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "synthv1", "Synth-V1", "Synth", "synthv1_jack", "synthv1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, (0, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "tapeutape", "Tapeutape", "Sampler", "tapeutape", "tapeutape", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 1, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "triceratops-lv2", "Triceratops", "Polyphonic Synth", "triceratops", "triceratops", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "vcvrack", "VCV Rack", "Modular Synth", "vcvrack", "vcvrack", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "distrho-lv2", "Vex", "Synth", "Vex", "vex", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "whysynth", "Whysynth", "Synth", "whysynth", "whysynth", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "distrho-lv2", "Wolpertinger", "Synth", "Wolpertinger", "/usr/share/pixmaps/wolpertinger.xpm", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "wsynth-dssi", "Wsynth", "WaveTable Synth", "jack-dssi-host", "wsynth-dssi", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "xsynth-dssi", "Xsynth", "Analog Synth", "jack-dssi-host", "xsynth-dssi", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, 0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "yoshimi", "Yoshimi", "Synth", "yoshimi -j -J", "/usr/share/pixmaps/yoshimi.png", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "zynaddsubfx", "ZynAddSubFX", "Synth", "zynaddsubfx", "zynaddsubfx", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, (1, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "zynaddsubfx-git", "ZynAddSubFX (GIT)", "Synth", "zynaddsubfx", "zynaddsubfx", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, (1, 0, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
iInstrument_Package, iInstrument_AppName, iInstrument_Type, iInstrument_Binary, iInstrument_Icon, iInstrument_Template, iInstrument_Level, iInstrument_Features, iInstrument_Docs = range(0, len(list_Instrument[0]))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bristol
# Need name: bit99, bit100
list_Bristol = [
# Package AppName Type Short-name Icon Template? Level (F, I, MIDI-Mode) (doc-file, website)
[ "bristol", "Moog Voyager", "Synth", "explorer", "bristol_explorer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Moog Mini", "Synth", "mini", "bristol_mini", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Sequential Circuits Prophet-52", "Synth", "prophet52", "bristol_prophet52", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Moog/Realistic MG-1", "Synth", "realistic", "bristol_realistic", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Memory Moog", "Synth", "memoryMoog", "bristol_memoryMoog", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Baumann BME-700", "Synth", "BME700", "bristol_BME700", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
#[ "bristol", "Synthi Aks", "Synth", "aks", "bristol_aks", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Moog Voyager Blue Ice", "Synth", "voyager", "bristol_voyager", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Moog Sonic-6", "Synth", "sonic6", "bristol_sonic6", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Hammond B3", "Synth", "hammondB3", "bristol_hammondB3", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Sequential Circuits Prophet-5", "Synth", "prophet", "bristol_prophet", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Sequential Circuits Prophet-10", "Synth", "prophet10", "bristol_prophet10", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Sequential Circuits Pro-1", "Synth", "pro1", "bristol_pro1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Fender Rhodes Stage-73", "Synth", "rhodes", "bristol_rhodes", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Rhodes Bass Piano", "Synth", "rhodesbass", "bristol_rhodesbass", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Crumar Roadrunner", "Synth", "roadrunner", "bristol_roadrunner", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Crumar Bit-1", "Synth", "bitone", "bristol_bitone", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Crumar Stratus", "Synth", "stratus", "bristol_stratus", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Crumar Trilogy", "Synth", "trilogy", "bristol_trilogy", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Oberheim OB-X", "Synth", "obx", "bristol_obx", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Oberheim OB-Xa", "Synth", "obxa", "bristol_obxa", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "ARP Axxe", "Synth", "axxe", "bristol_axxe", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "ARP Odyssey", "Synth", "odyssey", "bristol_odyssey", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "ARP 2600", "Synth", "arp2600", "bristol_arp2600", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "ARP Solina Strings", "Synth", "solina", "bristol_solina", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Korg Poly-800", "Synth", "poly800", "bristol_poly800", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Korg Mono/Poly", "Synth", "monopoly", "bristol_monopoly", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Korg Polysix", "Synth", "poly", "bristol_poly", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Korg MS-20 (*)", "Synth", "ms20", "bristol_ms20", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "VOX Continental", "Synth", "vox", "bristol_vox", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "VOX Continental 300", "Synth", "voxM2", "bristol_voxM2", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Roland Juno-6", "Synth", "juno", "bristol_juno", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Roland Jupiter 8", "Synth", "jupiter8", "bristol_jupiter8", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
#[ "bristol", "Bristol BassMaker", "Synth", "bassmaker", "bristol_bassmaker", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Yamaha DX", "Synth", "dx", "bristol_dx", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
#[ "bristol", "Yamaha CS-80", "Synth", "cs80", "bristol_cs80", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "bristol", "Bristol SID Softsynth", "Synth", "sidney", "bristol_sidney", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
#[ "bristol", "Commodore-64 SID polysynth", "Synth", "melbourne", "bristol_sidney", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ], #FIXME - needs icon
#[ "bristol", "Bristol Granular Synthesiser", "Synth", "granular", "bristol_granular", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
#[ "bristol", "Bristol Realtime Mixer", "Synth", "mixer", "bristol_mixer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, (1, 1, "ALSA | JACK"), ("", "") ],
iBristol_Package, iBristol_AppName, iBristol_Type, iBristol_ShortName, iBristol_Icon, iBristol_Template, iBristol_Level, iBristol_Features, iBristol_Docs = range(0, len(list_Bristol[0]))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Effect
# (S, MIDI-Mode) -> (Stereo, MIDI-Mode)
list_Effect = [
# Package AppName Type Binary Icon Template? Level (S, MIDI-Mode) (doc, website)
[ "ambdec", "AmbDec", "Ambisonic Decoder", "ambdec", "ambdec", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "guitarix", "Guitarix", "Guitar FX", "guitarix", "gx_head", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "fogpad-port", "FogPad", "Reverb", "fogpad", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "freqtweak", "Freqtweak", "FFT-based realtime audio spectral manipulation", "freqtweak", "freqtweak_logo32x18", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "jamin", "Jamin", "Mastering", "jamin", "jamin", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "lsp-plugins", "LSP comp-delay-mono", "Compressor", "lsp-plugins-comp-delay-mono", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "lsp-plugins", "LSP comp-delay-stereo", "Compressor", "lsp-plugins-comp-delay-stereo", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "lsp-plugins", "LSP comp-delay-x2-stereo", "Compressor", "lsp-plugins-comp-delay-x2-stereo", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "lsp-plugins", "LSP phase-detector", "Phase Detector", "lsp-plugins-phase-detector", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "dpf-plugins", "MVerb", "Reverb Effect", "MVerb", "mverb", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "paulstretch", "PaulStretch", "Extreme Stretch", "paulstretch", "paulstretch", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "radium-compressor", "Radium Compressor", "Compressor", "radium_compressor", "/usr/share/pixmaps/radium-compressor.xpm", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "rakarrack", "Rakarrack", "Guitar FX", "rakarrack", "icono_rakarrack_128x128", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "ALSA + JACK"), ("file:///usr/share/doc/rakarrack/html/help.html", "") ],
[ "tap-reverbed", "Reverbed", "Reverb", "reverbed", "reverbed", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "snokoder", "SnoKoder", "Vocoder", "snokoder", "snokoder", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "ALSA"), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - Darc", "Compressor", "x42-darc", "x42-darc", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - Fil4 mono", "4 Bands EQ", "x42-fil4", "x42-fil4", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - Fil4 stéréo", "4 Bands EQ", "x42-fil4 1", "x42-fil4", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - Fat1", "Auto-tuner", "x42-fat1", "x42-fat1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "setbfree", "X42 - Whirl", "Leslie Emulator", "x42-whirl", "x42-whirl", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamAutoSat", "Saturator", "ZamAutoSat", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamComp", "Mono Compressor", "ZamComp", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamCompX2", "Stereo Compressor", "ZamCompX2", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamDelay", "Delay", "ZamDelay", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamDynamicEQ", "Dynamic Mono EQ", "ZamDynamicEQ", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamEQ2", "2 Bands EQ", "ZamEQ2", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamGate", "Mono Gate", "ZamGate", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamGateX2", "Stereo Gate", "ZamGateX2", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamGEQ31", "31 Bands EQ", "ZamGEQ31", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamHeadX2", "Stereo Enhancer", "ZamHeadX2", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZaMaximX2", "Maximiser", "ZaMaximX2", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZaMultiComp", "Mo Multi-Compressor", "ZaMultiComp", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZaMultiCompX2", "St Multi-Compressor", "ZaMultiCompX2", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamPhono", "Phono Filters", "ZamPhono", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "---"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamTube", "Tube Amp Emulator", "ZamTube", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "zam-plugins", "ZamVerb", "Reverb", "ZamVerb", "zam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "zita-at1", "Zita-at1", "Auto-tuner", "zita-at1", "zita-at1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (0, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "zita-rev1", "Zita-rev1", "Reverb", "zita-rev1", "zita-rev1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
[ "zita-rev1", "Zita-rev1", "Reverb - Ambisonic", "zita-rev1 -B", "zita-rev1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, (1, "JACK"), ("", "") ],
iEffect_Package, iEffect_AppName, iEffect_Type, iEffect_Binary, iEffect_Icon, iEffect_Template, iEffect_Level, iEffect_Features, iEffect_Docs = range(0, len(list_Effect[0]))
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tool
# (MIDI-M, T) -> (MIDI-Mode, Transport)
list_Tool = [
# Package AppName Type Binary Icon Template? Level (MIDI-M, T) (doc, website)
[ "aliki", "Aliki (ALSA)", "Impulse Response Measurements Tool", "aliki -a", "aliki_32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "aliki", "Aliki (JACK)", "Impulse Response Measurements Tool", "aliki -j", "aliki_32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "arpage", "Arpage", "MIDI Arpeggiator", "arpage", "arpage", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "arpage", "Zonage", "MIDI Mapper", "zonage", "zonage", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "audacity", "Audacity", "Audio Editor", "audacity", "audacity", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "bitmeter", "Bitmeter", "JACK Diagnotic Tool", "bitmeter", "bitmeter", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "cadence", "Cadence", "JACK Toolbox", "cadence", "cadence", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "cadence-tools", "Cadence XY-Controller", "XY Controller", "cadence-xycontroller", "cadence", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "catia", "Catia", "Patch Bay", "catia", "catia", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "carla-control", "Carla OSC Control", "OSC Control", "carla-control", "carla-control", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "denemo", "Denemo", "Music Notation Editor", "denemo", "denemo", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "digitalscratch", "Digital-Scratch", "DJ with time-coded vinyls", "digitalscratch", "digitalscratch-icon_2decks", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "drumstick-tools", "Drumstick Virtual Piano", "Virtual Keyboard", "drumstick-vpiano", "drumstick", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "easytag", "EasyTAG", "Audio File Metadata Management", "easytag", "easytag", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "etktab", "eTktab", "Music Notation Editor", "eTktab", "eTktab", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "ebumeter", "Ebumeter", "EBU-r128 Loudness Indicator", "ebumeter", "ebumeter32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "alsa-tools-gui", "Echomixer", "Echoaudio Mixer", "echomixer", "alsa-tools", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "elektroid", "Elektroid", "Soft for Elektron Devices", "elektroid", "elektroid", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "alsa-tools-gui", "Envy24Control", "Ice1712 Mixer", "envy24control", "alsa-tools", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "audio-recorder", "Audio-recorder", "Audio Recorder", "audio-recorder", "audio-recorder", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "ffado-mixer-qt4", "FFADO-mixer", "FireWire Audio Interfaces Mixer", "ffado-mixer", "hi64-apps-ffado", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "fmit", "Music Instrument Tuner", "Instrument Tuner", "fmit", "fmit", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "frescobaldi", "Frescobaldi", "Music Notation Editor", "frescobaldi", "org.frescobaldi.Frescobaldi", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "gdigi", "Gdigi", "Digitech Pedals Control", "gdigi", "gdigi", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "gigedit", "Gigedit", "Instrument Editor", "gigedit", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("file:///usr/share/doc/gigedit/gigedit_quickstart.html", "") ],
[ "gjacktransport", "GJackClock", "Transport Tool", "gjackclock", "gjackclock", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "gjacktransport", "GJackTransport", "Transport Tool", "gjacktransport", "gjacktransport", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "gladish", "Gladish", "LADISH Studio Manager", "gladish", "gladish", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK | ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "dpf-plugins", "glBars", "Audio Visualizer", "glBars", "glbars", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "gmidimonitor", "Gmidimonitor (ALSA)", "MIDI-ALSA Monitor", "gmidimonitor --alsa", "gmidimonitor_32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK | ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "gmidimonitor", "Gmidimonitor (JACK)", "MIDI-JACK Monitor", "gmidimonitor --jack", "gmidimonitor_32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK | ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "gwc", "Gtk Wave Cleaner", "Audio File Cleaner", "gtk-wave-cleaner", "gtk-wave-cleaner", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "gninjam", "Gtk NINJAM client", "Music Collaboration", "gninjam", "gninjam", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "gtklick", "Gtklick", "Metronome", "gtklick", "gtklick", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "gxtuner", "Gxtuner", "Instrument Tuner", "gxtuner", "gxtuner", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_JS, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "handbrake", "Handbrake", "DVD, Bluray, and other Medias Transcoder", "ghb", "hb-icon", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "alsa-tools-gui", "HdaJackRetask", "Intel HDA Control", "hdajackretask", "alsa-tools", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "alsa-tools-gui", "HDSPconf", "HDSP Control", "hdspconf", "alsa-tools", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "alsa-tools-gui", "HDSPmixer", "HDSP Mixer", "hdspmixer", "alsa-tools", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jaaa", "Jaaa-ALSA", "Analyzes/Generates an Audio Signal", "jaaa -A", "jaaa", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jaaa", "Jaaa-JACK", "Analyzes/Generates an Audio Signal", "jaaa -J", "jaaa", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jack-capture", "Jack-Capture-GUI", "JACK-Audio Capture GUI", "jack_capture_gui", "jack_capture_gui", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jackeq", "JackEQ", "DJ Console GUI", "jackeq", "/usr/share/pixmaps/logo-jackeq-s.png", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jack-keyboard", "Jack Keyboard", "Virtual Keyboard", "jack-keyboard", "jack-keyboard", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("file:///usr/share/kxstudio/docs/jack-keyboard/manual.html", "") ],
[ "jack-mixer", "Jack Mixer", "Mixer", "jack_mixer", "jack_mixer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, ("JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jamulus", "Jamulus", "Music Collaboration", "jamulus", "jamulus", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "japa", "Japa-ALSA", "Audio Signal Analysis", "japa -A", "japa", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "japa", "Japa-JACK", "Audio Signal Analysis", "japa -J", "japa", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jkmeter", "Jkmeter", "Audio Level Measurement", "jkmeter", "jkmeter32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jmeters", "Jmeters", "Multi Canal Audio Level Measurement", "jmeters", "jmeters_32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
# [ "jnoise", "Jnoise", "White & Pink Noise Generation", "jnoise", generic_audio_icon, TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "jnoisemeter", "Jnoisemeter", "Test Audio Signal Meter", "jnoisemeter", "jnoisemeter_32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "kmetronome", "KMetronome", "Metronome", "kmetronome", "kmetronome", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "kmidimon", "KMidimon", "Monitor", "kmidimon", "kmidimon", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "laditools", "LADI Log", "Log Viewer", "ladi-system-log", "ladi-system-log", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "laditools", "LADI Tray", "Session Handler", "ladi-system-tray", "laditools", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "lenmus-all", "Lenmus", "Music Theory Studying", "lenmus", "lenmus", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "lingot", "Lingot", "Instrument Tuner", "lingot", "org.nongnu.lingot", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "linux-show-player", "Linux Show Player", "Sample player", "linux-show-player", "linuxshowplayer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "lives", "LiVES", "VJ / Video Editor", "lives", "lives", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "luppp", "Luppp", "Audio Looper", "luppp", "luppp", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "mamba", "Mamba", "Virtual Keyboard", "mamba", "Mamba", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_NSM, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "mcpdisp", "MCP Disp", "Mackie Display Emulator", "mcpdisp", "mcpdisp", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "meterbridge", "MeterBridge Classic VU", "VU / Peak Analyzer", "meterbridge -t vu :", "meterbridge32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "meterbridge", "MeterBridge PPM Meter", "VU / Peak Analyzer", "meterbridge -t ppm :", "meterbridge32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "meterbridge", "MeterBridge Digital Peak Meter", "VU / Peak Analyzer", "meterbridge -t dpm -c 2 : :", "meterbridge32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "meterbridge", "MeterBridge 'Jellyfish' Phase Meter", "VU / Peak Analyzer", "meterbridge -t jf -c 2 : :", "meterbridge32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "meterbridge", "MeterBridge Oscilloscope Meter", "VU / Peak Analyzer", "meterbridge -t sco :", "meterbridge32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "mhwaveedit", "MhWaveEdit", "Audio Editor", "mhwaveedit", "mhwaveedit", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "mixxx", "Mixxx", "DJ", "mixxx", "mixxx_icon", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "mpk-m2-editor", "MPK M2 Editor", "Editor for MPK M2", "mpk_m2-editor", "mpk-m2-editor", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "mudita24", "Mudita24", "Ice1712 Mixer", "mudita24", "mudita24", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "nano-basket", "Nano-Basket", "Nano Hardware Management", "nano-basket", "nano-basket", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "non-mixer", "Non-Mixer", "Mixer", "non-mixer", "non-mixer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("CV", 0), ("file:///usr/share/doc/non-mixer/MANUAL.html", "") ],
[ "nootka", "Nootka", "Learn music notation on sheet music", "nootka", "nootka", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "patchage", "Patchage", "Patch Bay", "patchage", "patchage", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA + JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "pd-l2ork", "Pd-L2Ork", "Pure-Data Environnement", "pd-l2ork -rt -audiobuf 20 -inchannels 2 -outchannels 2 -alsamidi -mididev 0 %U", "pd-l2ork", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "pianobooster", "Piano Booster", "Piano Teacher", "pianobooster", "pianobooster", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "playitslowly", "Play it Slowly", "Strech-Player", "playitslowly", "ch.x29a.playitslowly", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "dpf-plugins", "ProM", "Music Visualizer", "ProM", "prom", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qamix", "QAMix", "Mixer", "qamix", "qamix", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qarecord", "QARecord", "Recorder", "qarecord --jack", "qarecord_48", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qjackctl", "QJackControl", "JACK Control", "qjackctl", "qjackctl", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA + JACK", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "qlcplus", "QLCplus", "Light-Show Controller", "qlcplus", "qlcplus", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qlcplus", "Fixture editor for QLC+", "Fixture editor for QLC+", "qlcplus-fixtureeditor", "qlcplus-fixtureeditor", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qloud", "Qloud", "Audio measurement tool for JACK", "qloud", "qloud", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qmidiarp", "QMidiArp", "MIDI Arpeggiator", "qmidiarp", "qmidiarp", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA + JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qmidiroute", "QMidiRoute", "MIDI router & event processor", "qmidiroute", "/usr/share/pixmaps/qmidiroute_32x32.xpm", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qmidictl", "QmidiCtl", "MIDI controller over the network", "qmidictl", "qmidictl", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qmidinet", "QmidiNet", "MIDI Network Gateway", "qmidinet", "qmidinet", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qrest", "Qrest", "Calculator for delay, LFO,...", "qrest", "qrest", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "qxgedit", "QXGedit", "XG HardWare Controler", "qxgedit", "qxgedit", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "raysession", "Ray Session", "NSM Session Manager", "raysession", "raysession", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "recjack", "RecJack", "Recorder", "recjack", "recjack", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "rezound", "ReZound", "Audio Editor", "rezound", "rezound32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "alsa-tools-gui", "RME Digi Control", "RME Digi Mixer", "rmedigicontrol", "alsa-tools", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "showq", "ShowQ", "Sampler Player", "showq", "showq_32x32", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "shuriken", "Shuriken", "Beat Slicer", "shuriken", "shuriken", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_1, ("JACK+ALSA", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "simplescreenrecorder", "Simple Screen Recorder", "ScreenCast Recorder", "simplescreenrecorder", "simplescreenrecorder", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "smplayer", "Smplayer", "Multimédia Player", "smplayer", "smplayer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "solfege", "Solfege", "Ear Training", "solfege", "solfege", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "songwrite", "Songwrite 3", "Guitar tablature reader and editor", "songwrite", "songwrite3", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "sonic-visualiser", "Sonic Visualiser", "Signal Visualization and Analysis", "sonic-visualiser", "sv-icon", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "spek", "Spek", "Spectrum Analyzer", "spek", "spek", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "stretchplayer", "Stretch Player", "Stretch Player", "stretchplayer", "stretchplayer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "swami", "Swami", "SF2 instruments editor", "swami", "swami", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "tinyeartrainer", "Tiny Ear Trainer", "Ear Training", "tinyeartrainer", "tinyeartrainer", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "timemachine", "TimeMachine", "Recorder", "timemachine", "/usr/share/timemachine/pixmaps/timemachine-icon.png", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "tmlauncher", "TM Launcher", "Recorder", "", "TMLauncher", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "tuxguitar", "TuxGuitar", "Guitar Score", "tuxguitar", "tuxguitar", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "vkeybd", "Virtual Keyboard", "Virtual Keyboard", "vkeybd", "vkeybd", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "vmpk", "Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard (ALSA)","Virtual Keyboard", "vmpk", "vmpk", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("ALSA", 0), ("file:///usr/share/doc/vmpk/help.html", "") ],
[ "vmpk-jack", "Virtual MIDI Piano Keyboard (JACK)","Virtual Keyboard", "vmpk-jack", "vmpk", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("file:///usr/share/doc/vmpk/help.html", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - StepSeq", "Step By Step Sequencer", "x42-stepseq", "x42-stepseq", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("JACK", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - EBU R128", "Meter", "x42-meter", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - K20", "Meter", "x42-meter 1", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - K14", "Meter", "x42-meter 2", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - K12", "Meter", "x42-meter 3", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - BBC", "Meter", "x42-meter 4", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - BBC M-6", "Meter", "x42-meter 5", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - DIN", "Meter", "x42-meter 6", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - EBU", "Meter", "x42-meter 7", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Nordic", "Meter", "x42-meter 8", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - VU", "Meter", "x42-meter 9", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - True Peak et RMS", "Meter", "x42-meter 10", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Dynamic Range", "Meter", "x42-meter 11", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Phase Correlation ", "Meter", "x42-meter 12", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Goniometer", "Meter", "x42-meter 13", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Phase Frequency Wheel", "Meter", "x42-meter 14", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - 1/3 Octave Spectrum", "Meter", "x42-meter 15", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Frequency Scope", "Meter", "x42-meter 16", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Distribution Histogram", "Meter", "x42-meter 17", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Bitmeter", "Meter", "x42-meter 18", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42-Meter - Surround Analysor", "Meter", "x42-meter 19", "x42-meters", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - Mixtri", "Mixer/Trigger Preprocessor", "x42-mixtri", "x42-mixtri", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - Oscilloscope", "Oscilloscope", "x42-scope", "x42-scope", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - Tuna", "Instrument Tuner", "x42-tuna", "x42-tuna", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "x42-plugins", "X42 - Tuna - spectral", "Instrument Tuner - spectrum", "x42-tuna 1", "x42-tuna", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "xjadeo", "XJadeo", "Video Player", "qjadeo", "qjadeo", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 1), ("", "") ],
[ "zita-bls1", "Zita-bls1", "Binaural -> stereo signal converter", "zita-bls1", "zita-bls1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
[ "zita-mu1", "Zita-mu1", "Stereo Monitoring Organizer", "zita-mu1", "zita-mu1", TEMPLATE_NO, LEVEL_0, ("---", 0), ("", "") ],
iTool_Package, iTool_AppName, iTool_Type, iTool_Binary, iTool_Icon, iTool_Template, iTool_Level, iTool_Features, iTool_Docs = range(0, len(list_Tool[0]))
# Non-Mixer
list_Tool[10][iDAW_Level] = LEVEL_1