fix a problem with bindings involving "faked" keys (like the arrow keys) and the command modifier key

git-svn-id: svn://localhost/ardour2/branches/2.0-ongoing@11508 d708f5d6-7413-0410-9779-e7cbd77b26cf
This commit is contained in:
Paul Davis 2012-02-23 00:50:26 +00:00
parent 1910e5f17f
commit 345eca0fcf
1 changed files with 22 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -505,7 +505,28 @@ key_press_focus_accelerator_handler (Gtk::Window& window, GdkEventKey* ev)
cerr << "\tactivate (was " << ev->keyval << " now " << fakekey << ") without special handling of unmodified accels\n";
if (allow_activating && gtk_accel_groups_activate(G_OBJECT(win), fakekey, GdkModifierType(ev->state))) {
GdkModifierType mod = GdkModifierType (ev->state);
mod = GdkModifierType (mod & gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask());
#ifdef GTKOSX
/* GTK on OS X is currently (February 2012) setting both
the Meta and Mod2 bits in the event modifier state if
the Command key is down.
gtk_accel_groups_activate() does not invoke any of the logic
that gtk_window_activate_key() will that sorts out that stupid
state of affairs, and as a result it fails to find a match
for the key event and the current set of accelerators.
to fix this, if the meta bit is set, remove the mod2 bit
from the modifier. this assumes that our bindings use Primary
which will have set the meta bit in the accelerator entry.
if (mod & GDK_META_MASK) {
mod = GdkModifierType (mod & ~GDK_MOD2_MASK);
if (allow_activating && gtk_accel_groups_activate(G_OBJECT(win), fakekey, mod)) {
if (debug) {
cerr << "\tactivation handled key\n";