Fork 0

633 lines
17 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C ; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
* ALSA SEQ < - > JACK MIDI bridge
* Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Dmitry S. Baikov <c0ff@konstruktiv.org>
* Copyright (c) 2007,2008,2009 Nedko Arnaudov <nedko@arnaudov.name>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <alsa/asoundlib.h>
#include <jack/jack.h>
#include <jack/midiport.h>
#include <jack/ringbuffer.h>
#include "list.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "jack.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "port_hash.h"
#include "port.h"
#include "a2jmidid.h"
#include "port_thread.h"
static bool g_freewheeling = false;
extern bool g_filter_note_on;
* =================== Input/output port handling =========================
void a2j_add_ports(struct a2j_stream * str)
struct a2j_port * port_ptr;
while (jack_ringbuffer_read(str->new_ports, (char *)&port_ptr, sizeof(port_ptr)))
a2j_debug("jack: inserted port %s", port_ptr->name);
a2j_port_insert(str->port_hash, port_ptr);
* ============================ Input ==============================
a2j_process_incoming (
struct a2j * self,
struct a2j_port * port,
jack_nframes_t nframes)
struct a2j_alsa_midi_event ev;
//jack_nframes_t now;
jack_nframes_t one_period;
char *ev_buf;
((void)(nframes)); /* unreferenced parameter */
/* grab data queued by the ALSA input thread and write it into the JACK
port buffer. it will delivered during the JACK period that this
function is called from.
/* first clear the JACK port buffer in preparation for new data
// a2j_debug ("PORT: %s process input", jack_port_name (port->jack_port));
jack_midi_clear_buffer (port->jack_buf);
/* now = */jack_frame_time (self->jack_client);
one_period = jack_get_buffer_size (self->jack_client);
while (jack_ringbuffer_peek (port->inbound_events, (char*)&ev, sizeof(ev) ) == sizeof(ev) ) {
jack_midi_data_t* buf;
jack_nframes_t offset;
if (ev.time >= self->cycle_start) {
//jack_ringbuffer_read_advance (port->inbound_events, sizeof (ev));
ev_buf = (char *) alloca( sizeof(ev) + ev.size );
if (jack_ringbuffer_peek (port->inbound_events, ev_buf, sizeof(ev) + ev.size ) != sizeof(ev) + ev.size)
offset = self->cycle_start - ev.time;
if (offset > one_period) {
/* from a previous cycle, somehow. cram it in at the front */
offset = 0;
} else {
/* offset from start of the current cycle */
offset = one_period - offset;
a2j_debug ("event at %d offset %d", ev.time, offset);
/* make sure there is space for it */
buf = jack_midi_event_reserve (port->jack_buf, offset, ev.size);
if (buf) {
/* grab the event */
memcpy( buf, ev_buf + sizeof(ev), ev.size );
} else {
/* throw it away (no space) */
a2j_error ("threw away MIDI event - not reserved at time %d", ev.time);
jack_ringbuffer_read_advance (port->inbound_events, sizeof(ev) + ev.size);
a2j_debug("input on %s: sucked %d bytes from inbound at %d", jack_port_name (port->jack_port), ev.size, ev.time);
struct a2j * self,
snd_seq_event_t * ev)
const snd_seq_addr_t addr = ev->data.addr;
if (addr.client == self->client_id)
if (ev->type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_PORT_START || ev->type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_PORT_CHANGE) {
if (jack_ringbuffer_write_space(self->port_add) >= sizeof(addr)) {
a2j_debug("port_event: add/change %d:%d", addr.client, addr.port);
jack_ringbuffer_write(self->port_add, (char*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
} else {
a2j_error("dropping port_event: add/change %d:%d", addr.client, addr.port);
} else if (ev->type == SND_SEQ_EVENT_PORT_EXIT) {
a2j_debug("port_event: del %d:%d", addr.client, addr.port);
a2j_port_setdead(self->stream[A2J_PORT_CAPTURE].port_hash, addr);
a2j_port_setdead(self->stream[A2J_PORT_PLAYBACK].port_hash, addr);
struct a2j * self,
snd_seq_event_t * alsa_event)
jack_midi_data_t data[MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
struct a2j_stream *str = &self->stream[A2J_PORT_CAPTURE];
long size;
struct a2j_port *port;
jack_nframes_t now;
now = jack_frame_time (self->jack_client);
if ((port = a2j_port_get(str->port_hash, alsa_event->source)) == NULL) {
* RPNs, NRPNs, Bank Change, etc. need special handling
* but seems, ALSA does it for us already.
if ((size = snd_midi_event_decode(str->codec, data, sizeof(data), alsa_event))<0) {
// fixup NoteOn with vel 0
if (g_filter_note_on && (data[0] & 0xF0) == 0x90 && data[2] == 0x00) {
data[0] = 0x80 + (data[0] & 0x0F);
data[2] = 0x40;
a2j_debug("input: %d bytes at event_frame=%u", (int)size, now);
if (jack_ringbuffer_write_space(port->inbound_events) >= (sizeof(struct a2j_alsa_midi_event) + size)) {
struct a2j_alsa_midi_event ev;
char *ev_charp = (char*) &ev;
size_t limit;
size_t to_write = sizeof(ev);
jack_ringbuffer_data_t vec[2];
jack_ringbuffer_get_write_vector( port->inbound_events, vec );
ev.time = now;
ev.size = size;
limit = (to_write > vec[0].len ? vec[0].len : to_write);
if( limit ) {
memcpy( vec[0].buf, ev_charp, limit );
to_write -= limit;
ev_charp += limit;
vec[0].buf += limit;
vec[0].len -= limit;
if( to_write ) {
memcpy( vec[1].buf, ev_charp, to_write );
vec[1].buf += to_write;
vec[1].len -= to_write;
to_write = size;
ev_charp = (char *)data;
limit = (to_write > vec[0].len ? vec[0].len : to_write);
if( limit )
memcpy( vec[0].buf, ev_charp, limit );
to_write -= limit;
ev_charp += limit;
if( to_write )
memcpy( vec[1].buf, ev_charp, to_write );
jack_ringbuffer_write_advance( port->inbound_events, sizeof(ev) + size );
} else {
a2j_error ("MIDI data lost (incoming event buffer full): %ld bytes lost", size);
* ============================ Output ==============================
a2j_process_outgoing (
struct a2j * self,
struct a2j_port * port)
/* collect data from JACK port buffer and queue it for later delivery by ALSA output thread */
int nevents;
jack_ringbuffer_data_t vec[2];
int i;
size_t written = 0;
size_t limit;
struct a2j_delivery_event* dev;
size_t gap = 0;
jack_ringbuffer_get_write_vector (self->outbound_events, vec);
dev = (struct a2j_delivery_event*) vec[0].buf;
limit = vec[0].len / sizeof (struct a2j_delivery_event);
nevents = jack_midi_get_event_count (port->jack_buf);
for (i = 0; (i < nevents) && (written < limit); ++i) {
jack_midi_event_get (&dev->jack_event, port->jack_buf, i);
if (dev->jack_event.size <= MAX_JACKMIDI_EV_SIZE)
dev->time = dev->jack_event.time;
dev->port = port;
memcpy( dev->midistring, dev->jack_event.buffer, dev->jack_event.size );
/* anything left? use the second part of the vector, as much as possible */
if (i < nevents)
if (vec[0].len)
gap = vec[0].len - written * sizeof(struct a2j_delivery_event);
dev = (struct a2j_delivery_event*) vec[1].buf;
limit += (vec[1].len / sizeof (struct a2j_delivery_event));
while ((i < nevents) && (written < limit))
jack_midi_event_get(&dev->jack_event, port->jack_buf, i);
if (dev->jack_event.size <= MAX_JACKMIDI_EV_SIZE)
dev->time = dev->jack_event.time;
dev->port = port;
memcpy(dev->midistring, dev->jack_event.buffer, dev->jack_event.size);
a2j_debug( "done pushing events: %d ... gap: %d ", (int)written, (int)gap );
/* clear JACK port buffer; advance ring buffer ptr */
jack_ringbuffer_write_advance (self->outbound_events, written * sizeof (struct a2j_delivery_event) + gap);
return nevents;
static int
time_sorter (struct a2j_delivery_event * a, struct a2j_delivery_event * b)
if (a->time < b->time) {
return -1;
} else if (a->time > b->time) {
return 1;
return 0;
void * a2j_alsa_output_thread(void * arg)
struct a2j * self = (struct a2j*) arg;
struct a2j_stream *str = &self->stream[A2J_PORT_PLAYBACK];
int i;
struct list_head evlist;
struct list_head * node_ptr;
jack_ringbuffer_data_t vec[2];
snd_seq_event_t alsa_event;
struct a2j_delivery_event* ev;
float sr;
jack_nframes_t now;
//int err;
int limit;
while (g_keep_alsa_walking) {
/* first, make a list of all events in the outbound_events FIFO */
jack_ringbuffer_get_read_vector (self->outbound_events, vec);
a2j_debug ("output thread: got %d+%d events",
(vec[0].len / sizeof (struct a2j_delivery_event)),
(vec[1].len / sizeof (struct a2j_delivery_event)));
ev = (struct a2j_delivery_event*) vec[0].buf;
limit = vec[0].len / sizeof (struct a2j_delivery_event);
for (i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
list_add_tail(&ev->siblings, &evlist);
ev = (struct a2j_delivery_event*) vec[1].buf;
limit = vec[1].len / sizeof (struct a2j_delivery_event);
for (i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
list_add_tail(&ev->siblings, &evlist);
if (vec[0].len < sizeof(struct a2j_delivery_event) && (vec[1].len == 0)) {
/* no events: wait for some */
a2j_debug ("output thread: wait for events");
sem_wait (&self->io_semaphore);
a2j_debug ("output thread: AWAKE ... loop back for events");
/* now sort this list by time */
list_sort(&evlist, struct a2j_delivery_event, siblings, time_sorter);
/* now deliver */
sr = jack_get_sample_rate (self->jack_client);
list_for_each(node_ptr, &evlist)
ev = list_entry(node_ptr, struct a2j_delivery_event, siblings);
if (!snd_midi_event_encode(str->codec, (const unsigned char *)ev->midistring, ev->jack_event.size, &alsa_event))
continue; // invalid event
snd_seq_ev_set_source(&alsa_event, self->port_id);
snd_seq_ev_set_dest(&alsa_event, ev->port->remote.client, ev->port->remote.port);
snd_seq_ev_set_direct (&alsa_event);
now = jack_frame_time (self->jack_client);
ev->time += self->cycle_start;
a2j_debug ("@ %d, next event @ %d", now, ev->time);
/* do we need to wait a while before delivering? */
if (ev->time > now) {
struct timespec nanoseconds;
jack_nframes_t sleep_frames = ev->time - now;
float seconds = sleep_frames / sr;
/* if the gap is long enough, sleep */
if (seconds > 0.001) {
nanoseconds.tv_sec = (time_t) seconds;
nanoseconds.tv_nsec = (long) NSEC_PER_SEC * (seconds - nanoseconds.tv_sec);
a2j_debug ("output thread sleeps for %.2f msec", ((double) nanoseconds.tv_nsec / NSEC_PER_SEC) * 1000.0);
if (nanosleep (&nanoseconds, NULL) < 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "BAD SLEEP\n");
/* do something ? */
/* its time to deliver */
/* err = */snd_seq_event_output(self->seq, &alsa_event);
snd_seq_drain_output (self->seq);
now = jack_frame_time (self->jack_client);
a2j_debug("alsa_out: written %d bytes to %s at %d, DELTA = %d", ev->jack_event.size, ev->port->name, now,
(int32_t) (now - ev->time));
/* free up space in the FIFO */
jack_ringbuffer_read_advance (self->outbound_events, vec[0].len + vec[1].len);
/* and head back for more */
return (void*) 0;
#define a2j_ptr ((struct a2j *)arg)
/* ALSA */
void * a2j_alsa_input_thread(void * arg)
struct a2j * self = arg;
int npfd;
struct pollfd * pfd;
snd_seq_addr_t addr;
snd_seq_client_info_t * client_info;
snd_seq_port_info_t * port_info;
bool initial;
snd_seq_event_t * event;
int ret;
npfd = snd_seq_poll_descriptors_count(self->seq, POLLIN);
pfd = (struct pollfd *)alloca(npfd * sizeof(struct pollfd));
snd_seq_poll_descriptors(self->seq, pfd, npfd, POLLIN);
initial = true;
while (g_keep_alsa_walking)
if ((ret = poll(pfd, npfd, 1000)) > 0)
while (snd_seq_event_input (self->seq, &event) > 0)
if (initial)
snd_seq_client_info_set_client(client_info, -1);
while (snd_seq_query_next_client(self->seq, client_info) >= 0)
addr.client = snd_seq_client_info_get_client(client_info);
if (addr.client == SND_SEQ_CLIENT_SYSTEM || addr.client == self->client_id)
snd_seq_port_info_set_client(port_info, addr.client);
snd_seq_port_info_set_port(port_info, -1);
while (snd_seq_query_next_port(self->seq, port_info) >= 0)
addr.port = snd_seq_port_info_get_port(port_info);
a2j_update_port(self, addr, port_info);
initial = false;
if (event->source.client == SND_SEQ_CLIENT_SYSTEM)
a2j_port_event(a2j_ptr, event);
a2j_input_event(a2j_ptr, event);
snd_seq_free_event (event);
return (void*) 0;
/* JACK */
struct a2j * self,
int dir,
jack_nframes_t nframes)
struct a2j_stream * stream_ptr;
int i;
struct a2j_port ** port_ptr_ptr;
struct a2j_port * port_ptr;
int nevents = 0;
stream_ptr = &self->stream[dir];
// process ports
for (i = 0 ; i < PORT_HASH_SIZE ; i++)
port_ptr_ptr = &stream_ptr->port_hash[i];
while (*port_ptr_ptr != NULL)
port_ptr = *port_ptr_ptr;
if (!port_ptr->is_dead)
port_ptr->jack_buf = jack_port_get_buffer(port_ptr->jack_port, nframes);
if (dir == A2J_PORT_CAPTURE) {
a2j_process_incoming (self, port_ptr, nframes);
} else {
nevents += a2j_process_outgoing (self, port_ptr);
} else if (jack_ringbuffer_write_space (self->port_del) >= sizeof(port_ptr)) {
a2j_debug("jack: removed port %s", port_ptr->name);
*port_ptr_ptr = port_ptr->next;
jack_ringbuffer_write(self->port_del, (char*)&port_ptr, sizeof(port_ptr));
port_ptr_ptr = &port_ptr->next;
/* if we queued up anything for output, tell the output thread in
case its waiting for us.
if (nevents > 0) {
int sv;
sem_getvalue (&self->io_semaphore, &sv);
sem_post (&self->io_semaphore);
jack_nframes_t nframes,
void * arg)
struct a2j* self = (struct a2j *) arg;
if (g_freewheeling)
return 0;
self->cycle_start = jack_last_frame_time (self->jack_client);
a2j_jack_process_internal (self, A2J_PORT_CAPTURE, nframes);
a2j_jack_process_internal (self, A2J_PORT_PLAYBACK, nframes);
return 0;
int starting,
void * arg)
((void)(arg)); /* unreferenced parameter */
g_freewheeling = starting;
void * arg)
((void)(arg)); /* unreferenced parameter */
a2j_warning("JACK server shutdown notification received.");
g_stop_request = true;
#undef a2j_ptr
jack_client_t *
struct a2j * a2j_ptr,
const char * client_name,
const char * server_name)
jack_status_t status;
jack_client_t * jack_client;
if (server_name != NULL)
jack_client = jack_client_open(client_name, JackServerName|JackNoStartServer|JackUseExactName, &status, server_name);
jack_client = jack_client_open(client_name, JackNoStartServer|JackUseExactName, &status);
if (!jack_client)
a2j_error("Cannot create jack client");
return NULL;
jack_set_process_callback(jack_client, a2j_jack_process, a2j_ptr);
jack_set_freewheel_callback(jack_client, a2j_jack_freewheel, NULL);
jack_on_shutdown(jack_client, a2j_jack_shutdown, NULL);
return jack_client;