177 lines
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Change Log:
OpenNI 2.3:
- Android support added
- OpenNIHelper class to handle device permissions
- OpenNIView class to allow drawing of VideoFrameRef objects
- SimpleRead and SimpleViewer sample applications
- NiViewer application
- Fix pure-C APIs
- Allow providing driver list from config file
- Auto-recording feature (see OpenNI.ini)
- Bug Fix: depth/world conversion was wrong when depth is in 100 um format
- Adding logs for endpoints bandwidth and FPS
- Better handling of cases where device does not report its FOV
- Remove GLH from samples
- NiViewer:
- IR emitter on/off is added for both PS1080 and Kinect.
- Near mode on/off is added for Kinect (was already there for PS1080)
- IR now also uses an histogram
- draw textures according to aspect ratio
- Cleanup help screen
- Java APIs
- Add log APIs
- Implemented hashCode() and equals() for VideoMode
- Bug Fix: VideoFrameRef.getData() returned ByteBuffer with big endianity, whereas data was with little endianity
- Bug Fix: bad JNI calls in oniGetDeviceList, oniStreamGetSensorInfo and oniDeviceGetSensorInfo.
- Fix callbacks JNI calls
- Bug Fix: memory leak in waitForAnyStream()
- Java SimpleViewer
- Allow passing file name in command prompt
- Add support for IR streams
- Carmine:
- Add support for FW 5.9
- PS1080Console bug: "startread" did not work properly
- Added support for the fast zoom crop (640x480 regular -> 640x480 zoomed) - 'z' in NiViewer
- Add a property that allows reading from endpoints without creating streams
- Bug Fix: Disconnect event was fired twice
- Implement MAX_PIXEL_VALUE for IR stream
- Bug Fix: Single pixel translation is wrong when image res is 1280x1024
- Windows: print USB banndwidth to log
- Kinect:
- Add mirror support
- Rewrite image registration for better performance
- Support of additional properties (exposed via KinectProperties.h):
- 3D sensing properties: Near Mode, IR Emitter On/Off
- Non-3D sensing properties: Camera Elevation, Accelerometer, Audio Array ID
- Capri:
- Bug Fix: Depth stops working if switching to QQVGA and then back to VGA
- i2c device list now also states the master and slave IDs
- Fixed a weird log during shutdown
- Add projector commands: projector on/off, pulse on/off
- Add commands for setting CMOS gain
- Add commands for reading temperature sensors
- Add commands for toggling ACC, periodic-BIST and VDD
- Print test name when running BIST
- Default resolution is now QQVGA on ARM machines
- Bug Fix: Setting Mirror from INI file didn't work
- Handle some protocol error codes that weren't handled
- Bug Fix: error strings were missing from log
- Implement MAX_PIXEL_VALUE for IR stream
- Bug Fix: no even frame indexes from Capri devices.
- Properties are now saved in recordings
- PSLinkConsole: allow running a single command and exit
- PresetsAHB property now supports comments in files
- Add ReadDebugData command
- Support 100um mode
- Can turn on firmware log from INI file
- Bug Fix: log stream might lose the first packet
- PSLinkConsole Bug Fix: FormatZone command did not work.
- Capri: don't set USB interface if not doing reset (console mode)
- Bug: Couldn't set video mode to IR stream
- OniFile:
- Allow calling setVideoMode() as long as it's the same mode (needed by some applications)
- Properties are now saved in recordings
- allow playback of recordings that don't have the cropping property (just assume it's disabled)
- Bug Fix: potential crash when playback restarts
- Fix a potential deadlock if calling stop() immediately after a repeat occurred
- potential crash when closing recorder
- Can control playback speed and repeat options from INI file
- Build:
- Support gold linker in compilation
- Add Linux prerequisites to release notes
- Add release notes and change log to installation
- Refactor TestDevice so it can actually be used for testing
- ReleaseVersion script now also creates a full Android package
OpenNI 2.2.1:
- PS1080: Added a property for reading from all endpoints, regardless of streams
OpenNI 2.2:
- Added getDepthColorSyncEnabled() API
- Added log settings API
- Add a typedef: OniGrayscale8Pixel
- invoke() method signature was updated - data is no longer const
- New Java Wrappers
- New Java sample:
- Add support for Capri devkits
- Added tools: PS1080Console and PSLinkConsole (for debugging purposes)
- Drivers and INI files path resolution based on the shared library location (merge pull request #7. See for details. Thanks to Tomoto)
- NiViewer: Allow choosing which streams to open (run "NiViewer --help" for details).
- NiViewer: add support for seeking to a specific frame in a recording. Use the ':' key.
- Image registration support for Kinect driver (merge pull request #4. See for details. Thanks to Tomoto)
- Completely re-wrote frame buffers management.
- Added API for replacing frame buffer allocator.
- Linux: implement connect/disconnect events
- All samples are now self-contained and can be copied anywhere. In addition, compiling a sample does *not* overwrite the original precompiled binary.
- PS1080: IR stream now also supports RGB888
- PS1080: improved hardware name detection
- PS1080: Add NESA unlimited to BIST
- PrimeSense: move common properties (PS1080 and Capri) to PrimeSense.h
- PS1080: add new property for turning on hardware frame sync, with no OpenNI checks
- New pixel format: YUYV. PS1080 now supports it (on newer firmwares), and so does NiViewer and recordings.
- PS1080: add lots of debug commands
- PS1080: add new file type (vendor data)
- PS1080: added support for the second alternative interface (low-bandwidth)
- PS1080: added support for IR stream from the AR130 CMOS
- PS1080: added support for turning on/off emitter
- Bug Fixes:
- Bug Fix: reading frames / waiting on streams did not work well from multiple threads
- Bug Fix: Failed to use after OpenCL was initialized
- Bug Fix: Visual Sutdio 2008 wasn't supported
- PS1080 Linux did not support the RD1.09 device
- PS1080 Bug Fix: Physical device name property could not be read
- Make sure device is still open when closing a stream that uses it.
- PS1080 Bug Fix: handle file system lock when uploading only in supporting firmwares
- PS1080 Bug Fix: LED API wasn't working
- PS1080 Bug Fix: debug dumps were not closed properly
- Kinect Bug Fix: wrong error code returned when trying to change video mode while streaming
- PS1080 Bug Fix: potential crash when corrupt data arrives on BAYER stream
- Build:
- Rename Redist dir to Packaging
- Remove all warnings during build. Treat all warnings as errors.
- Rewrote the android make files to proper standards
- Fix Linux identification (apparently -std=c1x defines only __linux and not linux)
- Support WIX 3.6 and up
- ReleaseVersion script won't fail if output file exists (overwrite it)
OpenNI 2.1:
- API change: each event now has its own addListener()/removeListener() methods. A listener object can now be added only once.
- Support for Mac OSX
- Support for Linux on Arm
- Support for Android (native only)
- Kinect: implementing convertDepthToColorCoordinates()
- Kinect: implementing CameraSettings
- Kinect Bug Fix: can now switch between color and IR streams
- Kinect Bug Fix: wrong mirror value was returned
- PS1080 Bug Fix: trying to open more than 8 devices will crash
- PS1080 Bug Fix: on Linux 64-bit, color frames are sometimes corrupt
- PS1080 Bug Fix: a potential crash with older firmwares
- NiViewer now browses whenever a recording is started
- NiViewer: added 'i' key for toggling image-registration (also added current status in the status bar)
- Minor memory leak fixes
- EventBasedRead Sample Bug Fix: will not get device events
- EventBasedRead Sample now prints the list of connected devices and every change that occurs
- Recordings are now also compatible with OpenNI 1.x and NiTE 1.x
- Potential starvation bug fix when application takes much time handling events
- Log file now closes on shutdown(), and a new one is created on initialize()
- SimpleRead is now the default project in the VS solution (thanks eranws)
- Bug Fix: did not support Visual Studio 2008 and older
- Bug Fix: did not support Visual Studio 2012 and newer
- Bug Fix: did not support Visual Studio Express (thanks rh-galaxy)
- NiViewer Bug Fix: Mirror did not change IR state
- Kinect: providing Kinect for Windows PID and VID in the device info struct
- ONI files: providing driver name in the device info struct
- Bug Fix: ReleaseVersion script did not work on 32-bit machines
- Linux Bug Fix: log timestamps did not start from 0.
OpenNI 2:
- Brand new API (see documentation)
- Algorithms API were removed, and are now part of middleware libraries (such as NiTE)
- New deployment model - private copy to each application (see documentation)
- Added support for turning off Auto Exposure and Auto White Balance of the color CMOS in PS1080 devices
- Built-in support for Kinect devices via the Kinect SDK (Windows only)
- Added support for translating a depth pixel to color map coordinates